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  1. pufferfan

    How long does it take?

    My peppermint shrimp molted a few days ago, but he is still completely clear. How long will it take for him to get his colors back? Thanks for the help. -Matt
  2. pufferfan

    Horseshoe Crab questions

    I tried to keep several of them a few years ago, but they wouldnt ever last longer than a couple of weeks. :(
  3. pufferfan

    What is this? (finally got pics)

    Sorry i couldnt circle the pics for you but i dont have any photo editing software. I was looking through a marine handbook today and saw what they are. Its a "caribean christmass tree aka. plume worm." If you look on the back right corner of the rock you should be able to see it. Thanks for the...
  4. pufferfan

    Anyone else seen these at *****?

    Originally posted by suver569 She said "well, he likes that salt" thats awful :mad:
  5. pufferfan

    hermit question

    Sorry, he's a big red leg hermit. I just want to know if these brown strings are waste that he is producing. It is really making the sand bed look unpleasant.
  6. pufferfan

    pic of my tank

    Originally posted by Melody Whoa...Checking out the clam shell~ cool!! Yeah i saw that piece of LR at the fish store and had to get it, i thought it was really cool. :D
  7. pufferfan

    What fish are in ya'll Nano's?

    right now just a hermit, and a peppermint shrimp. Ill eventually get a perc clown.
  8. pufferfan

    anyone ever try to keep a lobster

    Originally posted by Irenicus I'm sure Homer Simpson could tell you about his experience w/ Pinchy :D Sorry... Couldn't resist. hahaha that was an awesome episode :D
  9. pufferfan

    pic of my tank

    here it is
  10. pufferfan

    What is this? (finally got pics)

    okay a few days ago i posted a thread asking about something on my LR, i finally got pics. Look on the back corner of the rock and you will see this yellow/black prickelely looking thing. When you scare it, it retracts into its hole. Any idea as to what it is?
  11. pufferfan

    good news

    Well i was really worried that a 96w was going to be too much for my 10gal. I bought a fan and positioned it to blow onto the light and on top of the tank, my water temp doesnt change a bit. It stays exactly where it is, and no more water is evaporating than usual. Im happy that it turned out...
  12. pufferfan

    hermit question

    Ever since i got my big ol' hermit, there have been strings of brown stuff sitting on the bottom of the tank. Are these brown strings his feces? Because there is a lot of them. Thanks for the help. -Matt
  13. pufferfan

    Another identify this thread

    nah.. not a feather duster.
  14. pufferfan

    Looking for stuff in Georgia!!

    Hey Joe, go over to - They have a message forum there. You can post there and hopefully find someone.
  15. pufferfan

    lil annomeas?

    cant the Aiptasia sting the Peppermint shrimps?? :confused:
  16. pufferfan

    Got my first inhabitants today

    I got a red legged hermit and a peppermint shrimp. I know its not much, but i want to take it slow. After i put the peppermint in he wasnt looking too good. He just sat there swaying back and forth for about 2 minutes, then all of a sudden he went to work looking for food on the liverocks, and...
  17. pufferfan

    Another identify this thread

    i dont have a clue as to what it is. Its some sort of plant i guess. Yes it does sort of resemble a crabs claw. It has two white stalk type things in the front -- kind of looks like eyes. And around the entire thing it has brown/orange prickiley looking things. I will try to get a pic of it.
  18. pufferfan

    what is the longest you have kept a fish?

    a few years back when i kept SWF, i had a Porcupine Puffer for almost two years until i had to move and gave him away.
  19. pufferfan

    lil annomeas?

    Ive got a few of those also. They look pretty cool. Guess they will have to go eventually though.
  20. pufferfan

    Another identify this thread

    Yesterday i bought some LR. One piece has some weird creature in it. This thing will come out every once in a while. It almost looks like two little mushrooms together, but its hairy/fuzzy looking. It will retract back into its hole in a heartbeat if you scare it, and its brown/black with some...