lil annomeas?

i have a lr i got from my brother and it has what looks like lil annomeas on it. he has a long tenical one and some more of these things in his tank. could this be babys
i have 1 good size rock about 15lbs which is where the things are and have 5 12 lbs of rock in 2 rocks. im going to try to get them out before they get on the other rocks.
the rockthe are on is about 10" x 10" and 4" thick.


Active Member
I had some on a little rock and tried everything. Nothing seemed to work, so I got rid of the rock before they spread. Yours is worth keeping though. Good luck.


Choo choo, I had the same anenome growing out of my new live rock too. And like you, I was excited that it was growing, until I found out that it was aiptasia. I bought a peppermint shrimp. 2 days later, I was in my LFS and I thought I'd get another one. The second peppermint shrimp ate the aiptasia within 30 minutes of putting him in the tank! I guess he really likes that stuff.
I'd try the shrimp route. They are neat to have in there anyway.
Good luck


I use a kalk paste and a syringe and it works good.
but it may not be apistia there is another nussience anemone but no where near as bad as apistia do a search on majano anemone. here is a pic of one that is my tank.


Got to Reef Tanks in the message board and look at the Basics of Aiptasia thread. (Sticky) It's got close to 100 posts regarding how to handle this nuisance. Great stuff. Good Luck.

bang guy

Yes they can. But Pepps are patient. The harass the Aiptasia until it expells it's digestive filiments and then they keep picking off small pieces until it's all gone.