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  1. bugsman

    Placement of Zoos

    I think the zoos are going to be okay. They've all opened up and seem to like the new spot and angle
  2. bugsman

    Feeding Questions

    I have a tendency to overfeed all of our critters and now that I have the saltwater tank everything I read tells me to be careful about overfeeding because it will affect water quality. I have a 28 gallon tank with 2 clownfish, 1 cleaner shrimp, assorted snails, 4 hermits, some zoos, a mushroom...
  3. bugsman

    Placement of Zoos

    Quote: Originally Posted by BTLDreef What kind of lighting were they under in the store and how far away from it were they? At the store, I would say they were maybe 18" or so from the light and in my tank, they are about 12" from the light. I moved them yesterday to a slightly different spot...
  4. bugsman

    Placement of Zoos

    I have a small colony of zoos I picked up from the LFS attached to a small piece of branchy looking live rock. Right now I have them attached to a rock low in my tank under metal halide lighting and average water flow. I'm wondering if there is a better way or area to place them. They seem to...
  5. bugsman

    Slice's 47g Coral Evolution

    Your tank is just beautiful. Looking forward to seeing how it all grows in. I know it will be a while before I have that many corals in my tank. Really nice.
  6. bugsman

    My 28 Gallon Nanocube-Some Photos

    A few more pictures as an update. Some slight rock rearranging and I have finally added a couple of clowns and a cleaner shrimp. I don't think I'll be doing much more for a bit, but when I start again, it will be to add some corals. I'm wanting a leather toadstool for one. I also want to...
  7. bugsman

    Two new black percula's

    Have to admit I keep staring at them. Have been since they went in the tank. They are now swimming all over. I fed them and they ate real good. I am so excited having fish. Thanks for your encouragement.
  8. bugsman

    Two new black percula's

    Here you go: I'm hoping all goes well. I checked my parameters before I went to the fish store and also brought water in for them to test. So all should be well. Only in the tank about 15 or 20 minutes.
  9. bugsman

    Two new black percula's

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer Give them time to get use to their new least a couple of days and when you get new fish you have to post pictures LOL I will go and take a picture right now even though they're moving fast!! LOL!
  10. bugsman

    Two new black percula's

    Well I finally bought some fish for my tank. I brought home today 2 black percula's. They were both in the same tank and they both ate. I acclimated them by drip line over a 2 hour period. My question is now that I have them in the tank (for only about 15 minutes by now) how should they act...
  11. bugsman

    My 28 Gallon Nanocube-Some Photos

    Quote: Originally Posted by bugsman Just an update. No pictures though - I have to take some. My little JBJ protein skimmer came in yesterday and I hooked it up when I got off work but I have a question about it if anyone knows the answer. The collection cup does not appear to come off. So...
  12. bugsman

    My 28 Gallon Nanocube-Some Photos

    PS - Fish this weekend for sure - I'm gonna start with a Goby or a Clown and see if I can take some of the snails out and bring those to the fish store. There are too many in my tank.
  13. bugsman

    My 28 Gallon Nanocube-Some Photos

    Just an update. No pictures though - I have to take some. My little JBJ protein skimmer came in yesterday and I hooked it up when I got off work but I have a question about it if anyone knows the answer. The collection cup does not appear to come off. So when I have to clean it out do I turn...
  14. bugsman

    CUC Question, Again

    I received a CUC made up of different kinds of snails. How many snails are too many? I have a a JBJ 28gal Nanocube and I gotta tell you there are a bunch of snails in that tank. Dwarft Ceriths, Florida Ceriths, Nassirius, etc. along with 4 hermits. Can you have too many snails?? I'm finally...
  15. bugsman

    What in the world is BTLDreef up to now?!?

    Maybe one day when I learn about what I'm doing, I'll try some seahorses - they are so cool looking. Good luck!!
  16. bugsman

    Cleaning Substrate & Marine Epoxy Questions

    Quote: Originally Posted by Slice I use the white epoxy; it will be covered in coralline in time, don't sweat it. Does you siphon have a flow valve? Mine has a clamp that can pinch down on the tube to lessen the suction if needed. Mine has a wide opening at the "business" end that only tumbles...
  17. bugsman

    Cleaning Substrate & Marine Epoxy Questions

    Well since I didn't do my homework properly - my LFS sold me marine epoxy that is white. Well I did my thing with it and have all my LR stuck together and stabilized now, but I have some white blobs of epoxy showing (not a whole lot but . . . .) - I didn't know they sold it in colors online...
  18. bugsman

    Chemi-pure VS reg carbon

    I have some Chem-Pure Elite in my set up right now and I noticed my water cleared very well with it. But I also have the 6-month question and do you still have to rinse it out when I do regular maintenance.
  19. bugsman

    My 28 Gallon Nanocube-Some Photos

    Just a little update, I went to my LFS and decided to get some marine epoxy to hold together my live rock. I had a little accident happen. Nothing hurt or damaged but I knew better than to not glue the rock together. So I decided to take care of that like I should have in the first place...
  20. bugsman

    My 28 Gallon Nanocube-Some Photos

    Quote: Originally Posted by 1guyDude Calcium is about the only thing i know that people dose for....unless ur Ph is way down and u need to temp buff it with some buffer. Theres also no real need for u to dose that phytoplankto crap. Its used for like feather dusters and clams, ur coral will...