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  1. tmichel

    ??Snail ID??

    What kind of snail is this? It's about the size of a pea.
  2. tmichel

    ??ID Please??

    Does anyone have a clue what this is? These are on the underneath some of the over hangs. They have a pink base and clear tenticles and white round-shaped ends.
  3. tmichel

    show off your tanks here

    Thank you. Right now the lighting is 4X65 W pc, but I'm going to take apart the old hood and add 2 250 watt metal halide. For the filter I'm have a Rena xp3 canister filter and a RemoraC Pro skimmer. It has been up for about 10-11 months.
  4. tmichel

    show off your tanks here

    Sorry 90lbs live rock I believe 100-120 pounds live sand.
  5. tmichel

    show off your tanks here

    Here's mine a couple weeks ago.
  6. tmichel

    Free Package to the 100th post

    Stupid drive home from work.:mad:
  7. tmichel

    Anyone got pics of Maroon clowns and anemones?

    Here's one of mine.
  8. tmichel

    Free Package to the 100th post

    I"m game. :yes:
  9. tmichel

    Here's my 8 week old 5 gallon.

    I have about 3 pounds fiji, 3 pounds tonga branch, and now about 2 pounds mixed mostly tonga rubble. I've found that most stores will sell the rubble real cheap becuase everyone usually wants the bigger pieces. The 2 pounds of rubble cost me $3.00. Also I think I'm going to make this a...
  10. tmichel

    Tang picking on new tankmate....

    Actually my tang is the one of the most peaceful fish in the tank and has no problems with any other fish but for some reason he just hated the sixline. And my tang has plenty of room he's only 2 1/2" long. (AND YES HE WILL GET BIGGER AND SO WILL MY TANK)
  11. tmichel

    Tang picking on new tankmate....

    I hope your're right guys, but my blue tang ate my sixline, he shredded him tail, fins, then the fake eye on his tail.
  12. tmichel

    Updated Pics

    Here's the latest pic. What coral should I add next? Need some suggestions. 4X65 WATT PC LIGHTING 90 LBS OF LIVE ROCK 4 GREEN CHROMIS 2 MAROON CLOWNS 1 SLEEPERHEAD GOBY 1 YELLOW CLOWN GOBY 1 BLUE TANG 1 SCOOTER BLENNY
  13. tmichel

    Bad Starfish?

    I believe my zoos are being eaten by small starfish. Is there a good way to get rid of them.
  14. tmichel

    Here's my 8 week old 5 gallon.

    Thanks everyone. I used to have a 10 watt bulb but I swapped it for the 20 made a huge difference. I don't remember what kind of tank it is I bought it at ***** as a freshwater kit. (When I didn't know better.) My next purchases are going to be a purple firefish and my local fish store has...
  15. tmichel

    Here's my 8 week old 5 gallon.

    I had this tank (freshwater) for two years and wanted to do something different. AquaClear MINI filter ViaAqua VA302 powerhead 20 watt 50/50 corlife screwtype compact
  16. tmichel

    The Best LFS

  17. tmichel

    Goby strange behaviors???

    Our sleeperhead gobies are acting weird, one won't come out of his hole in the sand, and the other seems to be scared and protecting the other. Any ideas on what this could mean, we've had them for 6 months?
  18. tmichel

    Can someone please ID?

    thanks for the info, is alveopora safe in close proximity to xenia? also, are these easy to frag?
  19. tmichel

    Can someone please ID?

    I bought this frag from a friend, but we don't know what it is.:notsure:
  20. tmichel

    eclipse 6 stocking?

    In my 5 gallon I have a sixline wrasse and a yellow clown goby. They get along great. They give a little color. Are you also planning on any coral.