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  1. tmichel

    I'm screwed

    If it was me and if you had no way of getting RO/DI water, I'd just buy distilled from the grocery store. I would never use tapwater even with declorinator or other chemicals.
  2. tmichel

    Lighting Q's for 180

  3. tmichel

    Lighting Q's for 180

    I'm planning to upgrade to a 180 gallon tank (6x2x2). would you go with (3) 400 watt mh's or (3) 250 hqi bulbs. I was also thinkinf of (2) 72" vho actinic bulbs or should i go with 4, or supplimenting lights.
  4. tmichel

    Help with RBTA

  5. tmichel

    Help with RBTA

    My rbta looks like the end of two of the bulbs were riped off, and it looks sorta deflated. What happened and will it get better? My little maroon is wiggling like frantic to get it better, I guess, or hope. :notsure: :help:
  6. tmichel

    Sand sifter star ?

    I'd buy more live rock, and let them naturally come back.
  7. tmichel

    Sand sifter star ?

    I've had my ss star for about 8 months and I have too many pods. I don't know how they reproduce, but my pods only stay in the live rock never in the sand. Can some explain how they would eat pods?
  8. tmichel


    Here's mine 4 green chromis 1 blue tang 2 maroon clowns 1 sleeper head goby 1 purple firefish 1 yellow clown goby 1 scooter blenny
  9. tmichel

    Question's about Emerald crabs.

    Some of my small emeralds became skunk shrimp food. It's kinda sad when you see them being eaten alive.
  10. tmichel

    A question for Emerald Crab owners...

    I have never seen mine molt and this guy is about six months old.
  11. tmichel

    Dead Coral

    I was just wondering how many people have had a coral die? I personally have had none, but maybe becasue my tank hasn't been around that long, (10 months) Or maybe I'm lucky.
  12. tmichel

    Question's about Emerald crabs.

  13. tmichel

    Question's about Emerald crabs.

    Here's a pic of mine finally.
  14. tmichel

    Cleaning inside of glass

    I like to use an old credit card, less likely to scratch.
  15. tmichel

    Question's about Emerald crabs.

    How big do these get, I have one that is about 2" wide with a 4" arm span. I found him the other night, scared the crap out of me. :eek:
  16. tmichel

    Lighting upgrade ?'s

    My tank is 48X18X20 80 gallon with 4x65 watt of pc lighting. Want to upgrade to metal halide, but what size of bulb shoul I go with? I was thinking of making a hood with the 4x65 actnic and (2) 250 HQI's, either 10-20k range. Or should I go bigger with 400 watters.
  17. tmichel

    The Best LFS

    I don't think they are in business anymore. Here's a link to the local fish club, at the bottom left column they have a list of all the local shops.
  18. tmichel

    ??Snail ID??

  19. tmichel

    ??ID Please??

    I don't think it's aptasia becuase most i've seen are tan to brown in color with no bulbed ends, plus my peppermint shrimp seen not to care a bit about them, they acutally steal food from them.
  20. tmichel

    ??Snail ID??

    Is it reef safe? I've started to see about a dozen of them.