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  1. von_rahvin

    MH ballasts

    I use the greybar ballasts for my MH and i am very happy with them.
  2. von_rahvin

    Rio 1700

    RIO'S ARE BADDD BADD THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!! I have had 2 die on me in the last 2 months and one was only 6 months old. NEVER GET A RIO!!!!!!!!!!!! The Rio pump IMO is the devil in the fish tank world. ok now that i have gotten that out of my system. If you look around it is possible for you to...
  3. von_rahvin

    Glass or Acrylic that is the question?

    if yopu are going to go glass make sure you get it driller. that is the only real problems with all glass tanks. so if it is drilled i would go glass instead of acrylic.
  4. von_rahvin

    I did it!!

    i missed something of importance. why would you want to do this? just to get more water flow across the back of the tank??
  5. von_rahvin

    Flame Angel in a Reef Tank?

    I have a coral beauty and she has been fine for her entire time in the tank. Many Many people have mentioned that sometimes one will have a taste for coral. so as with every on else. you can get a good one and you can also get a bad one.
  6. von_rahvin

    Propagating Xenia

    they like current. if they are being thrashed around they are happy. I have my main group of xenia right in the way fo my return pump. looks like they are getting beatin up all day long but the suckers grow faster than anything!
  7. von_rahvin

    Dead Cholcoate Chip??

    i do not understand the question. of course the start is going to die, your LFS shuld have told you that harliqiun shrimp can be kept in pairs but not threesomes. they are like banded coral shrimp in this manner. so you are going to lose one. I would make the LFS take it back for giving you...
  8. von_rahvin

    What would you put in 165G tank off EBAY

    I would put in more LR for sure you do not have to have 6 inchs of LS you can have anywhere from 3-6. I would err more towards the 4-5 range. 6 IMO is just too much and starts to look silly. I have a berlin on my reef and i am very happy with it. Also remember to buy the biggest pump you...
  9. von_rahvin

    I GOT MY TANK!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats!! now you are on your way to being poor :D
  10. von_rahvin

    Who/what got you into this hobby?

    my tanks drive me to drink, unfortunately i can no longer afford it!!!! :) my dad had a tank as long as i can remember, we used to go catch stuff out of the river (it's brackish/salt)then i started diving and decided i wanted a reef of my own to play with, but i was still too poor. now i...
  11. von_rahvin

    assimilation of found rock into reef

    I would rinse it alot before adding it into your tank. you would be suprised at what washes up on the beaches down here.
  12. von_rahvin

    Temperary chiller idea. Comments please.

    yeah thank god for western digital. Hey if you still have that drive i have some software that allows you to save just about anything. I got paid like 2 grand to pull some stuff off of a crashed drive. it just takes some time. email me if you want the prog
  13. von_rahvin

    Temperary chiller idea. Comments please.

    why not use a small freezer. they do exist i have used them in the bahamas to keep our bait cold. same basic principle but you have more BTU's to work with, another thought, what about a thin wall PVC? it would have much more heat loss than the flex tubing , the only problem I can see is...
  14. von_rahvin

    reef with seahorse?

    those are pretty much the thoughts that i had, but our parents do not always listen to us. only good thing is he doe not have that much current in the tank and there is only one fish at the momment. I am going to set up a refugium and move him in to there.
  15. von_rahvin

    !!!dye coral warning!!!

    i had a pink bubble for 4 years. never had a problem with it. and it stayed pink and got huge. I never knew there were green bubbles till i joined this bbs :)
  16. von_rahvin

    Dragon wrasse& dogface puffer

    i had a dragon wrasse for a few months till he die due to an ick incursion (now i have a hospital tank) that fish has got to be my girlfriends favorite fish that i have. when i change my tanks around i am def going to get one. They are very amusing, eat just about anything and are great...
  17. von_rahvin

    out of town for a month

    several times i have had neighbors take care of my tanks from reef to aggressive. you just have to have a neighbor who is a good friend and leave detailed instructions. all of my friends know how important my tank is too me so they all think it is cool when i trust them. The only time when i...
  18. von_rahvin

    Happy B-Day Galina

    Happy B day!! def the way to spend you money on the fishies!!!
  19. von_rahvin

    serious question

    i believe that it would be a bad idea to add that many fish to a tank at once. especially for a 55 gal. That many fish already with what you have owuld throw you into complete overload again. 5 green chromis (approx 2-3 inches) and 1 yellow tang (5 inches approx) so a total of 10 to 15 inches...
  20. von_rahvin

    reef with seahorse?

    My father now has a kinda reef tank. It went through a crash about 3 weeks ago, I managed to get everything stabilized. He now has a clown fih (perc) and a seahorse. WHy the seahorse? I think it is/was my mom's idea. Anyway, as he is on his way for a full tank recovery i need to know...