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  1. mikeyjer

    Fish not eating?

    If you get a frozen bar of cyclopeeze, it should work! Just swoosh it in your tank for a bit. Mine wouldn't eat anything at first, not even garlic soaked foods, but they're loving this stuff. They would eat anything now after they start eating the cyclopeeze. :happyfish
  2. mikeyjer

    HELP..about to lose yellow tang

    You need to give that fish something to hide in, it's in wide open spaces making it feel uncomfortable and further stress the fish. Get some large T PVC and please do fill that tank with more water. Read up on diseases in Disease & Treatment forum!!! Follow those directions!!! Copper can...
  3. mikeyjer

    Which protien skimmer for a 55 Gallon

    Originally Posted by GreyMach Hey i just ordered the skimmer with the overflow box and maxijet 1200. I was saying that after a couple weeks with the skimmer ill get the anenome and clown. the tank has been runing for about 3 weeks now. Even if you start at 5 weeks, your tank still isn't mature...
  4. mikeyjer

    High Nitrate Levels

    If it were up to me, I'll upgrade that skimmer! Water changes every other day around 20-25% until nitrate drops. I'm so glad that I don't have nitrate problem to deal with... :happyfish
  5. mikeyjer

    Which protien skimmer for a 55 Gallon

    Originally Posted by GreyMach Nice, thanks everyone. I will order it tomorrow and hopefully get some new fish and a BTA becuase ive had damsels for about 2 weeks now. I am ready for a clown and an anenome. Your not ready for an anemone, didn't you just started this tank??? What type of...
  6. mikeyjer

    Which protien skimmer for a 55 Gallon

    Originally Posted by GreyMach Hey the one from ---- comes with...The new and improved Remora skimmers come with an injector clean-out plug, a cleaning brush, and a thick o-ring for collection cup placement. Does it come standard with that stuff cause on marine depot they were selling them...
  7. mikeyjer

    Which protien skimmer for a 55 Gallon

    Originally Posted by GreyMach So is the Aqua C Remora a good name brand skimmer? I want to make sure it is a good one so i just have to buy one and not realize later that it isnt good enough. THanks for the replies It's an excellant skimmer for your size tank!!! I bought mine the same price as...
  8. mikeyjer

    Peppermint Shrimp Question

    Originally Posted by renisel In my experience, peppermint shrimp aren't necessarily all that effective at controlling aiptasia anyway. Mine don't seem to eat it at all and, from what I've read, that's not uncommon. If they're just going to get eaten in the end anyway, I agree that you should...
  9. mikeyjer

    Are my lights suitable for a reef tank

    Originally Posted by GreyMach For water flow i have my canister filter. 1 1800 ViaAqua pump(which seems to flow ALOT in my tank) and a small 90 RIO pump(which is pretty weak). Is that enough flow? You need to get the flow in different directions, I would suggest in getting a couple more...
  10. mikeyjer

    Are my lights suitable for a reef tank

    It's more like a 50 gallon tank from my calculation..... :happyfish
  11. mikeyjer

    zoas sick?

    From what I've read, it's fungus infection and the affected parts should be removed and dispose of properly. If it's a large colony, you should look into treatment, I read about peroxide treatment. Do a research online and see what you can find on white fungus on Zoanthids.... :happyfish
  12. mikeyjer

    Peppermint Shrimp Question

    Originally Posted by t11t5 I have a 3 inch Longnose hawkfish. I want to get a few Peppermint Shrimp to control Aiptasia's. How big do they need to be so my hawk dont eat them? He'll eat'em eventually....It's either take out the fish or try to treat the aiptasia on your own with several...
  13. mikeyjer

    Are my lights suitable for a reef tank

    Originally Posted by GreyMach HI, the only other number on all the bulbs is the same. FR30T12. I dont know if that is the wattage. What would that number look like? The tank is 55 gallons. The tank was origionally set up as a reef tank by our LFS but the whole thing failed and i dont know...
  14. mikeyjer

    Gas Gas Gas

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman Cool Mike. Like I said you clearly have a successful tank so I'd never try to argue with ya on that! What type of live rock do you have? Could it be that it's exceptionally porous and therefore you're getting a lot of nitrifying bacteria in your rock moreso then...
  15. mikeyjer

    Gas Gas Gas

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman Well, abnormalitites in individual tanks certainly occur. That can't be argued. Having said that, outside of individual success can you point to any research countering my statement? I'm always willing to be corrected! Reef Invertebrates by Calfo and Fenner...
  16. mikeyjer

    New tank looking for some comments/ are included

    Originally Posted by petjunkie Much more important than the lack of space for the tang is that fact that they need mature tanks, not new ones. Also you need to quarentine your fish and add them slowly, one a month or so. Test your water every couple days for ammonia and nitrite spikes and set...
  17. mikeyjer

    Gas Gas Gas

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman Depends on the depth of your sand bed. A sand bed over 4 inches deep allows for anearobic bacteria to break nitrate to nitrogen gas. The snails will be good to keep the top layer of sand stirred up. That's crucial. This is a debatable subject!!! It doesn't need...
  18. mikeyjer

    New tank looking for some comments/ are included

    I love your rock formation!!! It looks great to me!!! Just change water with RO water from now on and you should be fine. I filled my first tank with tap water as well....After diatom outbreaks from hell I learned my lesson....But everything is going well...How is that Naso Tang?? He looks a...
  19. mikeyjer

    My Yellow Tang is turning Pink!

    Originally Posted by hot883 head and latteral line erosion if I am thinking clearly. Reddish/pink sometimes is a sign of a bacterial infection. Check out the disease thread or contact Beth. DO NOT PUT IN MAINTANK until you figure this out. What foods are you offering? I suggest algea sheets...
  20. mikeyjer

    Coral problem! HELP!!!

    Originally Posted by Shelley Ok, I have a dumb question. Are zoanthids and yellow polyps the same thing? Also, why would my Xenias have done wonderful and the polyps died? I also found my mushroom frag that was put into the tank at the same time and it is looking great. Maybe I'm being...