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  1. ebeckels

    Why an Established Tank?

    one word answer: STABILITY
  2. ebeckels

    live sand

    Originally posted by striker: <strong>While the nature's ocean ls was finer it had a lot more die-off and had absolutely no critters in it. Remember that it has been sitting on a shelf for awhile(weeks-months).</strong><hr></blockquote> Natures ocean isn't supposed to have any critters! It's...
  3. ebeckels

    Reef Tank PICS!

    very cool
  4. ebeckels

    Dwarf Angels in a Reef Tank?

    I've had a pygmy angel in my reef...he was fine. never bothered a thing. I think, it's like many fish in this hobby...some will be great some will tear ur corals apart.
  5. ebeckels

    Schooling Fish?

    i think that was an excellent choice.
  6. ebeckels

    Cannoli with green filling

    guess: maybe a nudibranch?
  7. ebeckels

    Skimmer On or Off duirng Cycle?

    my vote = OFF
  8. ebeckels

    What can i do???

    what type of water is it? start doing water changes to lower ur problem levels.
  9. ebeckels

    keeping anemones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    anemones are very difficult...make sure ur conditions are perfect. I'd think that a sand base would be good for an anemone as opposed to some other form of substrate. LR would help but is not necesary for all anemones.
  10. ebeckels

    Blue Linckia

    Don't do 2 might have been a typo...20 hours is safer...I'd do at the bare minimum 5-7 hours...20 hours is safer though. 2 hours of acclimating is giving ur starfish not enough time to acclimate to ur salinity and PH...they need MANY hours of acclimation. once again...DEFINITELY NOT...
  11. ebeckels

    what do you cover your tank with

    glass cover...I'd prefer to go coverless but I don't have a canopy.
  12. ebeckels

    keeping anemones?

    edit: I didn't see ur not using sand also! I'd definitely stear clear of keep an anemone in a tank like that. Question 2: why no sand and LR?
  13. ebeckels

    keeping anemones?

    could u...ya, plenty of anemones prefer to stick their foot in ur substrate rather than the rock, but still...Anemones are VERY difficult to keep and I wouldn't recomend one to anyone. Clownfish do not NEED them, contrary to popular belief. Anemones are VERY short lived in the home tank and...
  14. ebeckels

    upgraded my server

    I'll be honest...I've been to ur page a few times and it seems much slower now.
  15. ebeckels

    Live Rock

    I've heard that aquacultured Florida rock is awesome...almost all of my rock is from my LFS's but I have about 15 lbs from a guy i buy from on ----.
  16. ebeckels

    Take a look -- bad snail?

    I'd looks like a nassiarus to spelling is closer but still not correct! :) Anyways...they are a great sand cleaner...enjoy.
  17. ebeckels

    shark in 100 gallon

    you should move this to the aggressive forum. shark that I've ever heard of would be able to live in a 100 gallon.
  18. ebeckels

    How many lfs are near you?

    2 good true fish stores...2 petcos...1 is terrible and 1 has some great deals on decent livestock. This is in Syracuse. I'm sure back in Philly (where I'm originally from) is much better.
  19. ebeckels

    ph help making a noise

    is there anything stuck in it??