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  1. dirty-d

    New Pics in my 75G Reef

    that hammer looks awesome
  2. dirty-d

    this is crazy........try this

    i dont know but its right every time
  3. dirty-d

    The Car Game

    2007 tahoe
  4. dirty-d

    this is crazy........try this
  5. dirty-d

    Cat Problems

    my 2 cats could care less about both my tanks.................i think they are to lazy to care though
  6. dirty-d

    a few new pics of the 180

    flippin sweet
  7. dirty-d

    Xenia near Cleveland OH

    would also like thanks
  8. dirty-d

    What do you do for a living?

    i throw garbage for a living..and its not bad either
  9. dirty-d

    thermos trade

    Sent package this afternoon :happyfish
  10. dirty-d

    thermos trade

    sent email
  11. dirty-d

    thermos trade

    I am very interested.........all i have to trade is some pretty good size frags of toadstool mushrooms would like some regular shrooms that are colorful or anything that will make it under my p.c's....i am in illinois will post pic of the frag
  12. dirty-d

    Hermit Crab Identifications

    white devil
  13. dirty-d

    Hermit Crab Identifications

    heres a completey white hermit crab i brought home while snorkling in destin florida on my honeymoon......they are pure white and came in a cerithium shell.........they were about every 4 inches away and were burying themselves.......they blended in quite well with the white sand
  14. dirty-d

    Patience with Xenia's

    good lord........lucky you
  15. dirty-d

    Best Tank Contest!

    thats funny.............i use one as wallpaper to..........awesome
  16. dirty-d

    problem with coralife power center

    ive got one and i tried to use it and couldnt figuare out the timers......cant get them to work right so i use it just for a powerplug expensive powerplug
  17. dirty-d

    Willie's Reef Tank

    do you have some kind of miracle grow for your corals? :hilarious looks awesome
  18. dirty-d

    Biggest tank in a Apartment ?

    i have a 60 gallon on the third ones said anything yet.......had it here for 3 years
  19. dirty-d

    LOTS of new pics!! You gotta see!!!!

    cool tank reefman, what kind of angel is that? he is awesome looking!!!!!!!!!