Search results

  1. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by trigger40 well after i enlarged the picture i can see white specs on his fin surrounded by the blur on his fins. at the regulr sized pic i saw what appered to be lymphocystis wich is a common virus but when i looked closer i saw what i described earlyr. and in the...
  2. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by trigger40 the only thing i can see is on the fourth picture. it dosent look like ich on the fourth picture, probaly something else What else could it be? Maybe the clownfish hurting each other? I have them in a Quarantine tank for the very purpose of catching and...
  3. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    This is all of the same fish, does it seem okay? I didnt notice anything yesterday or this morning really, and the other fish seems fine, but this little guy at least looks like it may have ich from the looks of the head to the top fin region. Can I get some extra opinions? I haven't noticed...
  4. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by silverado61 It should just stay on the floor. It may come off the floor an inch maybe two at times but unless you have a cyclone going on in your qt 6 inch walls will be fine. Well the pump is either a 240 or 425 gph pump.....i cannot remember which, so it is quite...
  5. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by silverado61 You don't have to make it 10"x10". I was just trying to give you an idea. But the 6" height would be good. You really think it'll stay low in the tank though? I dont wanna come back and find it stopped my pump and i need a new one.
  6. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by silverado61 Egg crate is the best choice. You don't have to have the whole tank divided to keep the chaeto in check. It will only tumble around the bottom so don't worry about it being sucked up in the circulation pump. Try making a 10"x10" by 6" high fence out of...
  7. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by silverado61 Chaeto's are "free spirits" (for lack of a better term) and need to tumble around the tank on their own so your not doing it any good by having it in the PVC. Maybe by being in there, it's dying off and the clowns are trying to pick at it for food...
  8. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    I figured I would show you guys my clownfish. I got Misbar Ocellaris clownfish from LA last weekend. I have a piece of Chaetomorpha in that PVC pipe actually and was hoping it may help with the stability of the tank, little did I realize the clownfish would be clamoring around it constantly...
  9. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by silverado61 At 56g I really don't think you'll have a problem in a apartment. Unless it's a really old building and you have no load bearing walls. lol Most newer appt's have concrete floors. I actually am not in love with my tank, I would've made holes in the back...
  10. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by silverado61 I think your wasting your time with the divider. A fish will only eats what it wants and the rest just goes to waste, fouling up the whole tank. Nature works at it's own pace. You can't choose or force which clown to become a female. Least of all by...
  11. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower Hi, Paint the back black or blue... you can even swirl the two together. They do make backgrounds that cling, I have one on my 90g... I painted the back of my 56g black and I'm so glad I did. The snails lay eggs and it looks like stars in the background...
  12. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower Hi, I have the same tank and stand (got mine from *****) except my door is wood... Seth (Snakeblitz) made a canopy for me, and did a really nice job, it matches perfectly, maybe he could help you too. Cool to know people have canopies made, can you show a...
  13. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    This is the stand I have (taken from the Petsmart site). Anyone have any ideas for something I can put on the glass door to make it less see through while not making it look horrible?
  14. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by GeriDoc I have a metal screen meant for a similarly sized reptile terrarium that i will now be using with the light.I wouldn't use a metal screen on the tank - it will corrode in the salt environment. The best cover is egg crate that you can get at Home Depot in the...
  15. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by GeriDoc Give me a few days to look in my basement. I may have a bristle worm trap down there. I am getting ready to break down my reef at work, so it is a good time to trap a few for you. I'll look for the trap, and let you know. Awesome. If you want to donate or...
  16. kenman345

    Getting the attention of your tank fish for a webcam

    Quote: Originally Posted by trigger40 i will admit thats a good idea my fish are always swiumming twards the front panel because that is wher my flow is aimed. Yea, for now I am gonna leave things as they are. I have found since I added my latest fish, they have become more and more active as...
  17. kenman345

    Getting the attention of your tank fish for a webcam

    I am thinking about hooking up an extra circulation pump that will be right by the webcam to give the fish a fun current to swim in every once in a while that I control through my remote connection to my Reefkeeper. If it works, then it's essentially a random current i can trigger that might...
  18. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by GeriDoc You can get a trap at most lfs. If you are on Long Island I could collect a few from my reef at work for you. We've already discussed how close we are. What LFS do you frequent most though? I only like 1 in the area.
  19. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by GeriDoc I do recall seeing some available somewhere on the internet, but I can't recall where. The easiest way to get some would be to contact a local fish club - any of the members would be glad to help you out, all you would need to do is supply the trap (cheap)...
  20. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by GeriDoc There are photos of bristle worms all over this site. Just use the search function. They are great scavengers that will eat left over food, dead organisms and fish poop. Newbees sometimes think they also kill fish because they will find bristle worms all...