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  1. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower Hi, Without phosphates and nitrates, hair algae can't grow...if you are having issues with it, then you have a water quality problem. Water changes work, but once you have a problem, you have to do a small change once a day using RO water (RO/DI is even...
  2. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by silverado61 Yuuup. That's hair algae What would you recommend to remove such things. And do you think a peppermint shrimp will be fine in a tank with 2 red firefish and 1 PJ cardinal and a bunch of hermit crabs. Are the fish safe from becoming the peppermints dinner?
  3. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Found this on another forum that wasnt too informative about what it actually was. I believe i have the early stages of this stuff.
  4. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by silverado61 If you disturbed it too much it might have released its spores. Keep a close eye out for them and if they show up, get a shrimp. Peppermint I did think eats them if they're small. Hopefully I did not disturb it enough to have ill effects. I shall need to...
  5. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by silverado61 Chaeto doesn't anchor itself to anything. It grows in a clump and looks like green angel hair pasta. It just tumbles around in the tank with the currents. If what you have is hair algae chances are your feeding too much and/or have too much light. Also...
  6. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower Hi, One more important thing to add to your "to do list" ... GFCI outlets are safer then regular outlets, since water and electricity don't mix. if you can't hard wire GFCI, then there are temporary GFCI adaptors that can plug in right to the regular...
  7. kenman345

    Material For Angling a laptop fan on clamps

    Quote: Originally Posted by tur4k I used to use these when I had a closed hood on my tank. I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but it may give you some ideas. I took two Noctua NF-P12 120mm computer fans and mounted them to a board. I mounted that board to the lid of my hood...
  8. kenman345

    Material For Angling a laptop fan on clamps

    Quote: Originally Posted by acrylic51 You would get more out of the cooling blowing onto the sump vs the tank.....pieces of acrylic would be an easy DIY project for what you want though.... I have no sump, but thanks for the suggestion. I may end up layering some acrylic with some glue to get a...
  9. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    So I did a few things this weekend to the tank, and awaiting other items. Things I did: Labeled all the outlets (except one) with what they have plugged into them (top and bottom of the outlet for maximum viewing abilities) Continued tuning my Protein Skimmer (got a few mL's of skim in my...
  10. kenman345

    Material For Angling a laptop fan on clamps

    Hello Everyone, I have a Pacific Breeze Laptop fan that is essentially identical to the highly expensive Tunze aquarium fan they sell for around $75-$80 a piece. I got the fan for $18 and I ordered two cheap automatic feeders, of which I scrapped the clamps for this project and using one...
  11. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Well, i guess that's the easier route to go. I still highly recommend monitoring your fish the same way I do if you are at work most of the day like I am. It's really useful in getting to see the fish and enjoy them in my tank since when i get home the timer on my light is already making it seem...
  12. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower LOL...I need to set something like that up for my elderly mom, whom I care for and lives with me...who likes to feed the dogs 5Xs a day. I now hide the food dishes. If you want, I can help you out with it. The webcam is fairly cheap, i use two different...
  13. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower Hi, Webcam to watch the tank...LOL...Now that's dedication. Just dose according to the instructions and watch the parameters, I always used the stick type for ammonia because it's cheap, fast and easy...any reading at all means a water change, so exact...
  14. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Well, the fish looked worse and still didnt eat. Worse, i noticed one or two specks of white on the fins of the other fish. I took the Chaeto out, then did a water change of about 60% and then cleaned all the PVC pipe pieces outside of the tank and dried them for a half hour before putting them...
  15. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower Hi, Glad to hear you didn't infect the display...good job If the fish in the QT are not eating, it has a problem, but if they are fighting that hard, your clown may not be eating because it's stressed out. A 10g is very small for 2 clowns...try putting...
  16. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower Hi, I got lost trying to figure out what people have told you... ALL fish need to be removed from the display tank, the display must stay empty of any fish for 8 weeks to be sure the parasite has died off. Treat the fish in a separate tank for the...
  17. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by trigger40 oh yes that will be very helfull i thought you just ment litteraly scrub the tank. No, I did mean that, you deterred me away from that.
  18. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by trigger40 wher did you hear that you need to do it over a period of over 48 hours ive gone from 0 to 1ppt in an instant with the most copper sensative fish and they did fine. if this is what your directions say you can follow it as rasing it slowly is probaly part of...
  19. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Quote: Originally Posted by trigger40 yes you will need to remove the chaeto and the pods will only cause an ammonia spike when they die and they will die during both of the treatments. i think you are taking the right steps as of right now but scrubing the tank will only make things worse, you...
  20. kenman345

    Started a 56G FOWLR tank and could use some help with picking fish

    Sorry for the double post, I wanted to make sure those that are paying attention see these pictures and lend their opinion. All help is appreciated. I just took these and the other fish seems clear of anything but the two have been rubbing up against each other and fighting...