Search results

  1. hookedonreefs

    MACNA was cool

    Well, I was there. At one of the booths. The one doing the free fragging demos. I have to say it was OK, but I was disappointed with lots of stuff. R. Wishna screwed some things up pretty bad. Then there's the Calfo issue, but I leave that one to --. I think the worst was the cruise. How...
  2. hookedonreefs

    Any Pennsylvanians or NewJersey-ites?

    Debbie, yes it's in Greenbrook. Bot587 - you should check out New Jersey Reefers Club. We have monthly meetings with frag swaps and everything. Also, I work in Morristown - let me know if you want to trade frags.
  3. hookedonreefs

    Need Info on Sun and Plate Corals

    Sun polyps (sun corals, tubestrea) are best fed once a day. Each polyp should be fed individually. I also don't know if there's anyu factualy information about polyps sharing nutrients, but best results have come from feeding each polyp individually. As for knowing when it's open or not, the...
  4. hookedonreefs

    Any Pennsylvanians or NewJersey-ites?

    If you shoot down 22 east to the watchung area - The Reefs Inc. is first on the westbound lane. Then a few miles later, Ocean Gallery 2 is in the eastbound lane. Then about 5 to 10 miles later Pet Shanty is last in the westbound lane. Pet Shanty is good for inverts like snails, crabs and...
  5. hookedonreefs

    signed books

    You can still get it. I've tried e-mailing you, but your account keeps blocking my e-mails. If you can, unblock my e-mail and let me know. I'll try to get something through to you...
  6. hookedonreefs

    HELP! I have to sell my tank

    Sign me up for both candy canes, the yellow devil's hand leather, maybe the cabbage leather. Let me know if you're interested in selling. I also may be up for the green monti.
  7. hookedonreefs

    Lighting for Propogation

    65K provides the best spectrum for growth, and will be ideal for a 75 gallon tank. May I suggest you posting such a question on a website that is focused on FRAGging... (hint hint)
  8. hookedonreefs

    Anyone in NJ trading?

    I work in Madison - what are you looking for?
  9. hookedonreefs

    Who's going to MACNA

    Just as the subject says - who will be at MACNA this weekend?
  10. hookedonreefs

    leather coral outgrowing tank

    Didn't see any pics, but if you want, just cut the thing about half way down. The left over stalk will grow a new toadie and the origional will also grow onto a rock. I'm near sommerville, if you want me to swing by and do it for you, just let me know.
  11. hookedonreefs

    Will the turbos survive?

    jew - bare bottom And neoreef - mine are about 3/4 - 1" in diameter. They should be fine. They're deitrus eaters.... If you can get Kip's attention he's a good snail guy. He can definately tell you the answer. My answer is an in my experience kinda answer....
  12. hookedonreefs

    Heating Problem In Reef

    Wow! Manalapan - I forget how big central Jersey can be sometimes. I'm near sommerville - about an 1 1/2 from manalapan. I would back the thermom. off about 2 degrees today, then another two tomorrow until you hit what you want. If you ever want to get together or want frags, email me -...
  13. hookedonreefs

    Will the turbos survive?

    They should be fine. I have 30+ turbos with no hair algae, and they find things to eat.
  14. hookedonreefs

    Heating Problem In Reef

    BTW - where in central NJ? we should get together and throw a drink or two back in front of the tank...
  15. hookedonreefs

    Heating Problem In Reef

    Do you have space for an auto-top off. They're easy to DIY.
  16. hookedonreefs

    Heating Problem In Reef

    stays constant because the heater is turned up. If you turned the heater down, and took the tops off, the temp would go down ALOT. The evapration is the water trying to come into equilibrium with the room temp. The more of a difference the more evaporation. If you only have PC lighting, and...
  17. hookedonreefs

    leather coral outgrowing tank

    Eric - I have spaghetti leather frags if you want....
  18. hookedonreefs

    leather coral outgrowing tank

    what kind of leather is it?
  19. hookedonreefs

    Heating Problem In Reef

    do you have a description of the tank? - lighting, water movement, glass tops etc. then we can target why your tank is so warm. Also, what brand of heater? The heater turns on to heat the water to the required temp. then turns off. It sounds like your heater - even though you may have set it...
  20. hookedonreefs

    leather coral outgrowing tank

    send it to me! :D Or, you could frag it, and sell the frags. Easy to do. Depending on where you are in NJ - I could help over the web or in person...