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  1. kaholic

    Lets Make This The Biggest Thread Ever!!

    A couple more to come...
  2. kaholic

    Topic of the Month:refugiums

    Awesome thread NM!! Could you maybe post some full refugium pics along with your light setup? Also, I would like to have one for my nano but I'm sort of confused about the pods and placement situation. Meaning, I hear how a lot of fuges are gravity fed so not to grind up the pods in the pump...
  3. kaholic

    Live Rock/Algea Question

    Sweet! Thanks so much! I love trhis site!! h*
  4. kaholic

    Live Rock/Algea Question

    Ahhh....thanks guys. I have never had to deal with this. Live and learn. So, you think I have a flow problem? I have a 92 corner with a Hagen 802 powerhead on one side up top. Should I maybe put a PH back in the corner behind the rocks on the bottom, or what do you think the best way to go...
  5. kaholic

    Live Rock/Algea Question

    Whoo....long night. Here it is.
  6. kaholic

    Live Rock/Algea Question

    It's hard to tell but if you rub your finger over that black patch in the picture, it comes off easily and the corraline is very bright. Sorry, I'm not the greatest photographer. Can you tell with this pic?
  7. kaholic

    Live Rock/Algea Question

    Sorry. I will take a pic today
  8. kaholic

    Live Rock/Algea Question

    I don't think so but...I probably didn't explain it that well. It's on my sand bed in small sheets. It got on a lot of my LR. It is kind of slimy but it's definitely black and comes right off on the less porous rock in a sheet or soft flake.
  9. kaholic

    Live Rock/Algea Question

    I have a small problem with some black slime type algea on my live rock in my FOWLR tank. If I take out the rock, scrub it with a toothbrush under some RO/DI water, will it hurt/kill the rock, or would this be ok? Any other suggetions. :notsure:
  10. kaholic

    how many fish

    Originally Posted by onlytru12 what are pods are u talking about? and no my tank is not 2 yrs old it is only 4 moths old. my lfs told me the blue tang would be fine and bout the dragonette they are all doin fine swiming back and forth and play with eachother.. so if they die then i guess they...
  11. kaholic

    Should I Use This Tank??

    Thanks for the advice. I don't think it's worth the risk. I believe I will just buy a new sump. Thanks again!
  12. kaholic

    Should I Use This Tank??

    My brother gave me a 20 gallon I was going to use as a sump niece had a rabbit in it. I'm not worried so much about that but I am concerned about the chemicals that were used to clean it over the years: Windex, etc... Should I just get rid of it or should it be ok to use? Thanks in...