how many fish


i have a 37 gal tank and i have around 45lbs of lr and i was wonding how many fish would be ok tp put inside my tank thanks alot


Active Member
The question 'how many fish' is not as important as 'what species of fish' in this case.
Sure there is a limit on how MANY fish you have in that small of a tank, probably around 3-4 depending on size.. but you should find out what species of fish will be happy with that size of a tank rather than how many you can squeeze in :)


well we just want to have a color ful tank and i was looking to get a few of the clown gobys, and other smaller fish that would get along with these guys and make the tank colorful.. we are also looking to put more anemones and corols in the tank along with a few more star fish.. any help would be appericated
we have 1 blue tang dori
false percula clows (nemos)
alge bunny
dragonet (green mandarin)
serpent star fish
anemone crab
and a clean up crew


The Regal needs to be moved to a larger fish tank in the first place. 37 gal tank is just way to small for a regal IMO they need to be in a 125 or bigger. maybe when the regal was removed i would put in a fire fish or somthing of that description and size and thats it. Its just me and my opion wait and see what other people have to say. Im not trying to bust anyones bubble but the tank size is way to small for the hippo.


well if the hippo gets to grow to big i can take him to my lfs and trade him in for sometrhing else... but i was wondering about the clown goby would it be ok to buy 1 of them and put them in my tank?? will it be ok with the other guys?


remove your blue tang from your tank,it was stated already but.. they need 100+ gallon tanks. he will soon die of stress.


Active Member
Originally Posted by onlytru12
well if the hippo gets to grow to big i can take him to my lfs and trade him in for sometrhing else... but i was wondering about the clown goby would it be ok to buy 1 of them and put them in my tank?? will it be ok with the other guys?
I think you are missing the point. It's not "when he gets to big", but actually HE WON'T GET TO BIG becuase he will get way to stressed out and DIE! Tangs expecially blue's need lots of "flying" room and the 37 is not enough at all. The dragonette will soon parish too if there are not enough pods in the tank. I'm sure this tank is not 2 years old, which is in most cases about the time it takes to get enough food built up in it to support the mandarin. Hate to be the bearer of bad titings and not one to rain on your parade, but you need to know. Not flamin ya, just educating ya!


what are pods are u talking about? and no my tank is not 2 yrs old it is only 4 moths old. my lfs told me the blue tang would be fine and bout the dragonette they are all doin fine swiming back and forth and play with eachother.. so if they die then i guess they will just die i mean they are alive and well


Why wont you listen to what we have to say i know i cant make you listen but what people are trying to tell you is learned in first hand expierences PLEASE AND I REAPEAT PLEASE TAKE THE HIPPO AND THE DRAGONETS OUT. The Hippo is in to small of a tank first off and the dragonets are not in a tank with suitable pod population which are little small animals that live in your sand and on your live rock it is a natural food for the dragonets. Why would you purposely want to kill a helpless fish that cant help his owners not listening to what people have to say. That it why people get so angry with people like you! We the people who try to provide adequate information to people to help them succeed in this hobby get upset when u dont listen to what we have to say. With that said until the hippo and Mandarins are removed from your tank i cant see helping you anymore with your problems anymore or answer any of your questions because your not even willing to listen to what any of us have to say to you. :mad: :mad: :mad:


dragonets need very established tanks and lots of pods for him to graze on, if your tank isnt established, i would take him back to the LFS also your HIPPO won't live in a 37gallon tank. i'm sorry , if we all sound mean to you. but we are giving you valuble information. don't take it the wrong way. it's just not fair to your fish you buy..


Originally Posted by onlytru12
what are pods are u talking about? and no my tank is not 2 yrs old it is only 4 moths old. my lfs told me the blue tang would be fine and bout the dragonette they are all doin fine swiming back and forth and play with eachother.. so if they die then i guess they will just die i mean they are alive and well
I missed this post. when you said if they die you guess it just dies. you won't do anything about it ? it's not if they die they will die .. it's when it dies then it just dies. do something about it. how much did the blue tang cost you ?


Originally Posted by onlytru12
what are pods are u talking about? and no my tank is not 2 yrs old it is only 4 moths old. my lfs told me the blue tang would be fine and bout the dragonette they are all doin fine swiming back and forth and play with eachother.. so if they die then i guess they will just die i mean they are alive and well

:scared: :scared:
WOW!! You have no business owning an aquarium. The guy at the LFS either knows nothing, or flat out does not care...or both Your happy little tank, if you keep it this way, is going to be a big glass coffin. You need to listen to what people are saying here.


Active Member
i just wanted to add my input.... somewhere on these boards.. in think in fish photography there is a thread with like a 2 year old tank that is like 50 gallon tank with like 8 tangs that have all been in there from the begining ... im not saying that this is right but a 37 is really small for a tang


Why should we encourage people to put tangs in tanks that are not big enough for them to swim how would you like it if someone like you in a jail cell and threw the key away. but when the roof was about to collapse they didnt let you and let you die same difference in my opinion. Its cruel and unfair for people to kepp fish that cramed in a small fish tank.