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  1. lazarus

    Is there risk my tank stand will collapse?

    OK - i owe you alot more info and pics. i will try to get these to you asap but am going out of town next week. Will do my best. Meanwhile, i can tell you the hole you asked about above is not a hole (pic 2). it is the refugium. that picture is actually upside down to show you the strut...
  2. lazarus

    Is there risk my tank stand will collapse?

    Here are the promised pics...the first two are on the left side of the tank showing the struts holding up the DT shelf. The shelf is deteriorating from salt vapor in the bottom chamber where fuge is located. The second two show the right side where you can see the plexiglass i installed to...
  3. lazarus

    Is there risk my tank stand will collapse?

    i had a custom tank stand built about 6 yrs ago for a 110 g tank. i built a refugium into the bottom which ended up with little clearance from the bottom of the DT. Over the years, salt buildup caused some warping of the plywood above the fuge. I glued some plexiglass above the fuge to...
  4. lazarus

    Who is going Bottomless?

    OK - since posting this i have searched "bottomless" and learned alot. I am still interested. One post suggested a larger than usual skimmer is needed. Any way to make this more specific as to size for a 100g DT? Another post suggested an alternative would be to replace the substrate to...
  5. lazarus

    Who is going Bottomless?

    This picks up where "Algae vs Coralline" drops off. Bottom line is my LFS suggests that after 5 yrs with same substrate, that I remove it completely in my FOWLR DT. He suggests the same for the fuge. What got this started was my noticing a large spike in algae growth even though my parameters...
  6. lazarus

    Algae vs Coraline - What's the difference?

    Well i just took a water sample to the LFS - who is generally regarded as the most honest in the business. He said nitrates are very low, but that if my tank and fuge are > 5yrs old then the sand needs to come out and be replaced, or better yet, go completely bottomless. I was not quite...
  7. lazarus

    Algae vs Coraline - What's the difference?

    Here goes: Tank is 100g FOWLR - Corals include mushrooms, candy cane, chili coral, etc. Bulbs are brand new - they are changed annually RO water used to top off. Salt water comes from Scripps Oceanography Inst. I dont have any mechanical filtration - I have a 20g refugium. One possibility is an...
  8. lazarus

    Algae vs Coraline - What's the difference?

    other ideas?
  9. lazarus

    Algae vs Coraline - What's the difference?

    Yes - my point is i am ONLY getting algae growth on the corals and back glass - much more than i expected and after 5 yrs, i expected the back glass to look more like the LFS tanks, with a layer of coraline growth on it. Instead, it remains smooth but grows algae at an amazing pace.
  10. lazarus

    Algae vs Coraline - What's the difference?

    My tank is > 5 yrs old and I have never developed that layer of coraline growth on the back glass. Until recently, i did not really care, but the algae growth is now getting on my nerves. I have to scrap back gobs of it every two weeks and it is choking my GPS, among other things - see pics -...
  11. lazarus

    what is the worst that could happen - has it to you?

    actually that sounds easier, so long as i can make sure no moisture gets trapped between the acrylic and plywood.
  12. lazarus

    what is the worst that could happen - has it to you?

    that sounds like a plausible solution, thanks - do you think i should make a center hole for moisture to drain from?
  13. lazarus

    what is the worst that could happen - has it to you?

    not yet but just picture a piece of smooth wood paneling (not fiberboard) that has evaporation absorption. This is very early stage damage from what i can tell - since i am down there daily looking at my fuge.
  14. lazarus

    what is the worst that could happen - has it to you?

    my setup is about 6 yrs old and i saw something frightening tonight: The DT is 100 gallons with a 20g refuge underneath. The display was custom made by a local craftsman that works for a LFS. The refuge clearance is very small, and the sump sits a few inches under the bottom which holds up...
  15. lazarus

    Good schooling fish - recommendations?

    i dont see a "blue eyed cardinal" listed on this site. do they go by another name? any other ideas on good schooling fish. i have had cardinals before, they are cute when juvenile but grow up to look raggedy (to me anyway). firefish are great but as jumpers i risk losing them (cannot put a...
  16. lazarus

    Good schooling fish - recommendations?

    i'd love to get the YT but my brown tang wont let me. i put one in recently and he harrassed it so much i had to return it to the LFS for a credit. maybe if i get three it will think twice before attacking, but i am not so sure. what about hechionus? anyone have a school of these?
  17. lazarus

    Good schooling fish - recommendations?

    i am restocking a 120 g FOWLR tank. Currently have just a brown powder tang and six line wrasse. Would like a colorful schooling fish that would do well in a group of 3-4. Recommendations would be most welcome.
  18. lazarus

    i could just CRY - help ID this agae

    i dont know how my fish could eat this does not come off in edible form, so not sure we are talking about same algae.
  19. lazarus

    i could just CRY - help ID this agae

    Originally Posted by nycbob i get brown film too on my glass daily. i'd just scape it off. why did u dose iodide? i was sold it by the LFS as a supplement for my soft corals. did i just get sold a useless liquid?
  20. lazarus

    i could just CRY - help ID this agae

    i stopped using the mag scrapers as they get sand caught in them and led to my problems in the first place. i use a toothbrush only. it was able to tackle any algae problems i had in the past. i could safely go a week without any algae becoming stubborn. this stuff grew to cover most my tank...