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  1. D

    Two parter: Chemicals and skimmer

    Yes, exactly that...LFS said we were at .021 when we tested for the high phosphates. With our swing arm we read at .026 so our hydrometer is .005 off. I'm confident now it's in the right range, but will have the LFS test again today to verify. A refractometer is on the list. I don't have a mag...
  2. D

    Two parter: Chemicals and skimmer

    Part one: Not sure if I'm having a problem balancing my chemicals or if my test kits aren't reliable. Using API at the moment and know I need to invest in a better kit/equipment. We had an algae outbreak that we trimmed down in a week with 2 emerald crabs and 2 turbo snails (the crabs are back...
  3. D

    Lighting and algae (LED)

    Thank you! Google offers conflicting opinions (of course), so that's why I came to the experienced :) I don't mind keeping the tank blacked out, but I was hoping to use the blues at least so I could watch the snails and crabs recommended by the LFS. I just didn't want to shoot myself in the foot...
  4. D

    Lighting and algae (LED)

    sooo... Google about the affect of blue LED on algae growth, got it! We are doing other things, just wanted to know if I was making it worse using the blues vs blackout.
  5. D

    Lighting and algae (LED)

    True! But I also understand that blackouts can help slow the growth so I wanted to know the impact of the blue lights.
  6. D

    Lighting and algae (LED)

    Hi! I have a Current Orbit Marine LED reef light. I also have a bit of an algae problem at the moment. I know the white light will feed the algae. Will the blues? I can go dark for a few days on the tank but would like to keep the blues on for short periods. Thanks!
  7. D

    2 different questions... Oily Water surface and blue tang diet

    Thank you. We seem to have really good water flow at the surface, lots of movement. I can see where it breaks up the film for half the surface lengthwise. I'll talk to my spouse about rigging something with a little more coverage. Curious as to what causes it, since it just started last night...
  8. D

    2 different questions... Oily Water surface and blue tang diet

    1) We have (had?) a peanut worm hitchhiker. About a week ago he came out of the Rock and was hanging out under its ledge. A couple days ago I am pretty sure we lost him. His body was loose, blowing in the current and looked like a sloshy bag. I was headed to work and intended to pull the body...
  9. D

    Super gross worm in live rock. Friend or foe?

    I am so grossed out right now, I need a little composure.... Ok, new 75g saltwater tank, cycling a little over a month. We're fighting flukes right now so the water has been a little cloudy. I came home and checked the ph levels (have been low) after a water change last night and another...