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  1. misty7850

    Happy Fathers Day

    Happy Fathers Day to all you Daddy's out there.
  2. misty7850

    What kind of starfish is this ?

    Thanks everyone for your replys.. I don't have one in my tank.. they threw all the live ones back into the ocean.. and like I said kept a couple dead one to preserve.
  3. misty7850

    What kind of starfish is this ?

    My son and girlfriend where walking the beach in Ormond yesterday and brought me these pictures. They said they must have thrown close to 100 of them back into the ocean, that had washed up on shore.. They kept a couple of dead ones they are going to preserve.. Anyone know what kind they are ?
  4. misty7850

    how do i post a pic

    If you have windows xp you can download windows xp powertoys,, image resizer... I did and I love it..
  5. misty7850

    Need Quick Computer Help? Any Computer Wizzes?

    your welcome :jumping:
  6. misty7850

    Need Quick Computer Help? Any Computer Wizzes?

    hope this helps... done with Picture it.
  7. misty7850

    Happy Mother's Day!

    beautiful posting.. Thanks
  8. misty7850

    Today's My Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Birthday, hope you had fun shopping. Show us some pictures of what you got
  9. misty7850

    what do you use to clean outside glass?

    Originally Posted by vtfishies me great Ditto, me three, works great
  10. misty7850

    glass top

    I don't have glass top.. better gas exchange.. you do get more evaporation, I usually replace about 1 gallon per day on my 46 bow front. I just made auto top off for mine. I don't have any jumpers. I think those that do us eggrate or similar to put over their tanks.
  11. misty7850


    Don't confuse the new people.. Welcome to the boards.
  12. misty7850

    Baby Bubbletip ?

    I just noticed it tonight, so haven't seen it move yet. I do have blue, green and orange ricordia's but none that brilliant color.
  13. misty7850

    Baby Bubbletip ?

    My bubbletip recently split in two.. this evening I found this little fellow in my aquarium. Is it a baby bubbletip ? Or is it mojano ? I'm not getting to good of pictures lately..
  14. misty7850

    Sun coral pics

    That is very cool looking :jumping:
  15. misty7850

    anemone mouth all teh way through

    very Cool pictures, thanks for sharing
  16. misty7850

    Help finding post please.

    ur welcome... Yah something to dream about, Only in my dreams... LOL..
  17. misty7850

    Help finding post please.

    type 600 in the search.. this is what I found
  18. misty7850

    Lets see some sponges!

    here's mine.. I used to have some pretty pink sponge but it died...
  19. misty7850

    Whole Tank Pictures

    not the best shot, but here is mine...