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  1. twoods71

    High nitrates

    The above posts sums it up well. For now your best bet is water changes. Just make sure you are using a pure high quality water source. I get my water from a vending machine that goes through several fitration processes and for 25 cents a gallon I couldnt ask for a better deal.
  2. twoods71

    Salinity Refractometer

    My refracto came in yesterday. Here is the scoop. The refracto reads 1.021 while the swing arm reads 1.025. I trust the refracto results because when looking at pure distilled water it is perfectly calibrated. By the way I only paid $69 for the refracto and feel it was a good investment. I have...
  3. twoods71

    dkH and Alkalinity~how they relate to Ca level

    Great article. I use Seachem Reef Advantage Calcium and it is much different then calcium chloride in that if used properly it will not lower your alk levels. I love that stuff as it has been very reliable for me. The point is you must be sure of what you are adding to your tank. There are many...
  4. twoods71

    my pH is too low

    One more thing. It is sometimes recommended when adding a calcium additive to wait at least 24 hours before adding a carbonate additive (buffer). Read the product label, recomendations may vary.
  5. twoods71

    my pH is too low

    A build up of natural acids will lower pH levels. However if no intervention is taking the pH will continue to drop. In this case I would do a water change. Because you mentioned it was locked at 8.0 I did not feel this was the problem. I was stuck at 8.0 for a while myself. A build up of acids...
  6. twoods71

    my pH is too low

    I believe most people keep there reef tanks around 8.2 - 8.4. The first thing I would think about is my test kit. Some are very hard to tell then difference between 8.0 and 8.2. Maybe take a sample to the LFS and see what they read. Also there are many pH buffers on the market that work well.
  7. twoods71

    High nitrates

    IMO 40 - 50 ppm nitrates is not horrible, not a good level, but not horrible. No need to panic at that reading but I would work on getting the level down. All your critters will thank you for it.
  8. twoods71

    Salinity Refractometer

    I just ordered one and it is due to arrive today. I have been using a swing arm also and am curious to see if there is any difference in the reading. Seems as though the older the swing arms get the less reliable they are. I have replaced them in the past and the difference from the new swing...
  9. twoods71

    High nitrates

    What is your nitrate level? A water change will reduce your nitrate level unless you are adding nitrates at the same time. Bioballs, LR, substrate, filter media, anything that will harbor the proper bacteria will convert ammonia to nitrites to nitrates.
  10. twoods71

    Help - Marine Velvet?

    If anyone wishes to respond eipappas reposted this in the disease forum.
  11. twoods71


    Wiggles and wobbles :D funny. Cool names for your percs. I have a pair of percs myself. Very cool fish.
  12. twoods71

    new avatar

    Click on the user cp button above. Next click on the edit options link. At the bottom of that page you will see where you can set up your avatar
  13. twoods71

    Bobby and Kari Clark's Tank.....

    Looks like a giant treasure chest. Nice.
  14. twoods71

    Sun Corals feeding tip

    I have been using that method a few weeks now with my sun coral and it works great.
  15. twoods71

    Powder Blue Tang?

    I have heard of people with a great deal of experience still have trouble with these fish. Definitely not a beginner fish.
  16. twoods71

    HLLE Purple Tang update

    Wow what a huge difference. Thats great, you got an awesome fish for the best price possible. FREE!!!! IMO I would guess it is something in the miracle mud also.
  17. twoods71

    EcoSystem Filters/Leng Systems

    I ran a HOB ecosystem for around 4 months. It semmed OK but I was not highly impressed. The siphon was always a problem because the flow rate was so low air bubbles would get trapped in the U-tube. Also there was not a great deal of room in the HOB model for the caulerpa to grow. IMO they are...
  18. twoods71

    skimmer for eclipse hood

    I ran a 29 eclpise for awhile. I used a seaclone but did have to cut a little of the hood.
  19. twoods71

    New corals!

    Man can I relate to what you are saying. I have to force myself to stay away from some of the LFS or else I am coming home with something. Hey I like your wifes outlook. I will have to use that sometime. Although my wife really doesnt have a problem with me buying stuff for the tank. If those...
  20. twoods71

    Need help on corals..

    RO/DI water is always a good move. What is the Calcium and Alkalinity also?