55 gallons! Woah that's to big in my opinion. I kept 2 tiger sharks in my 29 and the were friends with my clown. I had to get rid of them. They got to be as long as the tank itself.
You have plenty of LR. I would just wait and let the LR turn it 2 0. Your test kit could be wrong 2, just a thought. If you really want it to turn to 0. You could get a bottle of Cycle and pour the whole bottle in there. It says that it is impossile to overdose.
I saw what appearred to be a clear nudibranch on the side of my tank. It was oval shaped with two antenaes and a brown circle by it's head. What is it?
I just looked in the disease forum and read the sticky beth put up. After the male died it looked like the picture of the clown in the sticky that had brooklynella. Is the disease in my tank or is he just rotting away from being dead?
I think I might have velvet ick. My male false perc died all of the sudden. But when I bought him he was already injured and that could have killed him. It looked like white cottony balls on a curved line on the fishes side. The female had one on each side of her body and since i've raised...
Great deal. That blue hippo does not need to be in that small tank. A Blue hippo needs to be in at least a 100 gallon tank. There r 2 many tangs in there in my opinion.
Thank u grindzberg is so annoying and is giving newbies false information.
Thank u again:D
C ya gindzberg! :cheer: :cheer: :jumping: :jumping: :happyfish
You need to do a water change to get nitrates down. They will go down to 0 usually in about 6 months. Nitrates is the least toxic of all the chemicals in your tank. Make sure you do a water change with water with perfect specs. You should also buy a book to answer alot of ur ??s.