Last night my clowns swam all over the tank right after lights out. But this morning I found the male dead. He had torn fins and the LFS said that it was in a fight and to give it Melafix to help it heal quicker. There was a curved line on the clown fish and had " little cottony looking balls...
I fed them twice today and they really didn't eat. Maybe the peiecs were 2 big. My brittle doesn't bother them. I saw him get out of his cave slowly and when he touched one of the clowns he just moved very slowly under them. These clowns aren't real small they r about 2 inches already and I...
So feed them flake in the moring, as much as they can eat in five minutes and the same for the evening only with pellet. and once a week feed them shrimp in the moring only? A little confusing. Do I feed my brittle star twice a week, say 3 pellets a feeding? Will my hermits be ok feed ing...
Thanx. I got frustrated, because I wanted to see my fish swim. Would a diet of pellet, flake, and frozen brine shrimp be ok? Should I feed a little bit of both during feeding or have specific days to feed flake and pellet and shrimp. Do I give them the most they can eat in5 minutes? Thanks...
I just got my first 2 False Percula Clowns today. I am so happy:joy: :joy: :D :jumping: :cheer: !!! As soon as I put them in, the kinda looked around for a sec and then they went to the bottom left corner of the tank. It looks like they r swimming in place. They haven't moved for 8 hrs. It...
This game doesn't stink. I played it all night. Some of the crimes r dumb, but its cool with the new webbing system and everything. I really like it.:D
LS has beneficial bacteria and living creatures in it. When u siphon it out, u r losing sand and taking out benificial bacteria. Just buy a clean up crew and they will clean it.
Lion, I have the first one. It 's ok but Spidey2 looks awsome. It has the new web system. Go to Google and type Spiderman 2 the game and find that link to the official game site.
Enjoy!!!!!!:jumping: :cheer: :D
The brown algae u r refering to is diatoms. They r normal for a tank that has or is almost cycled. Usually they will fade away after the cycle and water changes. Don't do water changes f u r still cycling, u will just prolong the cycle.
PS2 definetly. U can play DVDs, CDs , and of cousre games. There are games that r more fun. Gamecube basicly just has mario, sonic, etc.(nothing against those Gamecube fans). PS2 YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :jumping: :jumping: :D
I'm not the tang police, but I still know. There r alot of opinions that ppl have so don't just see my answer and say that's completely right. It depends on what kind of tang. Most tangs will be ok in a 100+gallon tank, but it still depends on what kind of tang.