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  1. daredevil

    splintercell 2

    What about Spiderman2?
  2. daredevil

    Anemonie hithhike on LR??

  3. daredevil

    Good Clean up Crew?

    I named my three hermit crabs the 3 stooges, Moe,Curly, and Larry. I named my turbo snail Gary(spongebob) and mt brittle star Mr. Brittle. I only have a few but I think the deserve a name for cleaning up our tank.
  4. daredevil

    splintercell 2

    Spiderman 2 is coming out Tuesday. It looks awsome!
  5. daredevil

    Good Clean up Crew?

    Thanx. Do u name ur clean up crew? I mean hermits and snails. Kinda stupid but just wonderin'. I am gonna get a fighting conch and another snail. Is this ok? Do snails eat off helpful bacteria and what not off your rocks when u clean them? Sorry about all the questions
  6. daredevil

    Anemonie hithhike on LR??

    Hey u know what, 265 ppl have looked at this. Cool!:jumping: :cheer: :jumping: :cheer: :jumping: :D
  7. daredevil

    Strange Tang Behaviour

    Thanx I'll look
  8. daredevil

    Good Clean up Crew?

    Thanx. This is kinda a stupid question, but do u name ur snail and hermits crabs?
  9. daredevil

    Good Clean up Crew?

    But is my clean up crew ok?
  10. daredevil

    Good Clean up Crew?

    Come on 45 ppl have looked at this and only I answer!?
  11. daredevil

    Hippo Tang

    Blue Hippo=90+gallons IMO
  12. daredevil

    Anemonie hithhike on LR??

    Thanx alot u have helped so much.:D :D :cheer: :jumping: :cheer:
  13. daredevil

    Strange Tang Behaviour

    I don't know the answer to ur ?, sorry, but where did u get those tongs and how much were they? I am not trying to take over this thread.
  14. daredevil

    Anemonie hithhike on LR??

    Thanx alot Bang. U really have helped. My last questions. Do they look good, do they multiply by themselves, and r they common hithhikers? Thanx alot Bang. After those ?s I'll leave u alone.
  15. daredevil

    Anemonie hithhike on LR??

    Bang, it's a button polyp. Thomas said that when u touch it a buttin poylp tucks in its tentacles and leaves the stalk. Aiptasia suck in the rock. R button polyps good? Would 20w lighting be okfor hem? What do I feed them and other stuff like that. I did a search, but it did not say how to...
  16. daredevil

    Good Clean up Crew?

    Is my clean up crew ok? Plz answer other ?s
  17. daredevil

    Anemonie hithhike on LR??

    ok cause I have about 4 in my tank. I am gonna do a search on button polyps and see what I can find. I haven't touched it yey. But I will touch it tommorrow. Thanx, I'll let u know tomorrow
  18. daredevil

    Anemonie hithhike on LR??

    Bang, I forgot, do baby feater dusters retract fast?
  19. daredevil

    Anemonie hithhike on LR??

    I'm gonna go touch it now. R buton polyps good? And does superglue affect ur tank? Cause if it is aiptasia then I will touch it, make it go in, and then glue it shut. Thanx I'll report what happens.
  20. daredevil

    Good Clean up Crew?

    PLz any1?:nope: