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  1. daredevil


    Do aiptasia have bubbles on the end on some of their tenyacles kinda like a small green,yellow,half bubbletip anenomie? I have something on my LR that looks somewhat like it.
  2. daredevil

    another question

    Will anemonies sting u? I mean is ur reaching for something and u hand happens to touch it. What if u want to move it? If u hold it by it's base will it sting u? I don't have an anemonie, but I was just wanting it for future reference.:)
  3. daredevil

    Who is your favorite....

    yeah he does aaron. When he puts it on he has incredible powers, but cannot control himself when he has it on.
  4. daredevil

    6 Line Wrasse Question

    My ammonia is 0 and so is my nitrites. But my nitrates are around 20. I'll wait to do a water change. I'll probably get 2 false perculas or occelaris clowns as my first fish. Sadly, I am gonna get them at pet*o because they have a 2 week guarantee. My LFS does not have a guarantee, but they...
  5. daredevil

    6 Line Wrasse Question

    Any1 else. I'm going 2 bed. It's midnight.:sleepy: :sleepy:
  6. daredevil

    Who is your favorite....

    I forgot, DareDevil. He's cool 2. He's blind and can kik butt and can hear all this stuff... I just think he's cool.
  7. daredevil

    Who is your favorite....

    Carnage is awsome, but I gotta say spidey. It's cool being a spider.
  8. daredevil

    Cycle and pic question

    Wow! My tank is almost fully cycled. It should be done by tommorrow. I hope my tank looks good in the future. Thanks everybody.
  9. daredevil

    6 Line Wrasse Question

    R they good fish to start off with? My ammonia is going down to 0(0.25, but is going down slowly) and my nitrites are 0.50(coming down from spike). My nitrates are about 20. Sg is ok and temp 80-82. Am I ready for him? I have 11 lbs of LR and 20 lbs. of LS. I have a 29 gallon, Emperor 280...
  10. daredevil

    frozen food

    Can u get Brine Shrimp at ur LFS?
  11. daredevil

    Live Rock?

    I would introduce the fish one at a time w/ the exception that u want 2 fish of the same species to mate. After u add a fish, wait about 2 weeks for ur filteration to catch up. Then test ur water and if everything is ok, then u can add another fish. Patience is the #1 thing in this hobby. Have...
  12. daredevil

    Live Rock?

    LR is rock from the ocean that has bebeficial bacteria and other critters growing on it. It is very good for your tank. It provides biological filteration and looks good. As for the protien skimmer, u don't neccessarily need it, but it would not be a bad idea to have one. If u are gonna have...
  13. daredevil

    New Unknown Worm

    I don't know if that is what it is. It said that it is caused by overstocking of fish, but all I have in there is LS and LR, no fish. I'll just wait and see. Any1 else have any Ideas?
  14. daredevil

    New Unknown Worm

    It went somewhere else and I can't find it.
  15. daredevil

    Can i add the clean up crew at the same time as the fish

    It may take 2-3 days for it to fall. I am gonna put in my starter fish first and wait 2 weeks and if it lives, then I am gonna put in a clean up crew. My LFS said that I should do that. But if ur algae gets really bad, then u should get a clean up crew. Like I said before, u may want to take...
  16. daredevil

    New Unknown Worm

    I just saw a white worm about 3/4 of an inch moving on the back of the tank. It had a transperant line in the center of it. What is it? Is it good or bad? Thanx
  17. daredevil

    Can i add the clean up crew at the same time as the fish

    Special gravity and temp. Wait for ur nitrite to go down and ur ammonis 2. Wait for them to stay at zero. Then u can get a cheap fish and try it out. U may also want to here other opinoins.
  18. daredevil

    Can i add the clean up crew at the same time as the fish

    Put down ur parameters
  19. daredevil

    Can i add the clean up crew at the same time as the fish

    god man u relax I am just trying to help u out and let u know to be patient. I not being mean or anything.
  20. daredevil

    Can i add the clean up crew at the same time as the fish

    No offenese to u. I was excited like u and found out to sit back and take my time. Do u have LR? If u do, take a look at it and u will be amazed what u see moving on it. Everyday I pull a chair in front of my tank and just sit and watch. Everyday I find something new. That is the glory of...