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  1. floods7

    Whisper 60 in a 20g tank?

    I need a new filter and I saw that a whisper is only $8 more than a whisper 30. I would like to get the 60 since its a good price and i could put it into a bigger tank if i ever decided to get a bigger tank. But my friend said the whisper 60 plus the power head i have now could be to much water...
  2. floods7

    Good refractometer for a noob with 20g

    I was told on this forum to get a refractometer since hydropmeters are not that accurate and im looking into this beucase i have three hydrometers and none of them are consistant with the others. What is a good refractometer, with a low price that would suit a noob like me?
  3. floods7

    A lot of hair algy, is that ok?

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 IMO, alkalinity doesn't have much to do with hair algae.... Here you go: Specifically: Thanks for that, a lot of good...
  4. floods7

    A lot of hair algy, is that ok?

    I have some Omega One Frozen Mysis Shrimp. Looks about the size of a sugar cube, maybe a little bigger. So 1/4 every other day? that all they need is 1/4 every other day? Doesnt seem like enough to me.
  5. floods7

    A lot of hair algy, is that ok?

    API Reef master test kit
  6. floods7

    A lot of hair algy, is that ok?

    Just did a water test. Nitrate: 0 or as close to 0 are the test can get Phosphate: 0- 0.10 Calcium: 420 Hardness: 161
  7. floods7

    A lot of hair algy, is that ok?

    20gl. I go 25% water changes every 2 to 3 weeks. ill change the food and less light. pick up some of those snails tomorrow.
  8. floods7

    A lot of hair algy, is that ok?

    I use formula two flakes by ocean nutrition. feed once in the morning, I dont know a good size pinch?? What could be off that would result in hair algy? I have 2 clowns, and 1 hawaiian firefish. 2 turbo snails, 2 hermit crabs, 1 emereld crab
  9. floods7

    A lot of hair algy, is that ok?

    I have a coralife 2X65 watt light that sits on the glass. they are on for 8-11 hrs a day, really depends when i get home. water paremeters: Nitrate aout 0-5 phosphate: 0.25 Calcium around 380 Salitity : a little low, cant give exact number cause I cant get a hydrometer that is accurate.
  10. floods7

    A lot of hair algy, is that ok?

    I recently put a power head and a new much more powerful light in my 20 gl tank. Ive have a ton of hair algy. is that ok? or should I remove some? I know that algy goes though stags will it ever go past hair algy ?
  11. floods7

    I cant find a glass canopy that fits my 20H tank

    I have a tank that is about 15 years old and becuase of a new lighting system I need a glass canopy. I went to the local aquarim store and I bought what they told me was the correct canopy for a 20H. But when I went to install it wasnt wide enough, it was about a 1/4 to narrow on both sides. I...
  12. floods7

    What is a good book for newbies to give me good guidline of fish, corlas, anemities, etc.

    I am looking for a book or online book that will help me identify fish, corals, algy, etc. also something with some guidlines for newbies. What do you guys reccommend?
  13. floods7

    Website that lets you put in what fish you have and then it will tell you what is compatible with you tank type/ fish in it.

    Subject pretty much says it all. Does anyone know of a website or program that will let you put in what type of fish you have/ size to tank, etc. then tell you what you can put in it and what is compatible. Anyone know? link?
  14. floods7

    what is tye whitest sand you guys know of?

    ? I'm starting up a new tank and would like to use white sand but I want it to be really white,lol like snow white. Has anyone seen anything like that and a link would be great to buy as well.