A lot of hair algy, is that ok?


I recently put a power head and a new much more powerful light in my 20 gl tank. Ive have a ton of hair algy. is that ok? or should I remove some?
I know that algy goes though stags will it ever go past hair algy ?
Only if you like it in your tank? How long are you leaving your lights on? What type of lights are you using? What are your water parameters? Are you using ro/di water or tap?


I have a coralife 2X65 watt light that sits on the glass. they are on for 8-11 hrs a day, really depends when i get home.
water paremeters:
Nitrate aout 0-5
phosphate: 0.25
Calcium around 380
Salitity : a little low, cant give exact number cause I cant get a hydrometer that is accurate.



I have a coralife 2X65 watt light that sits on the glass. they are on for 8-11 hrs a day, really depends when i get home.

water paremeters:

Nitrate aout 0-5
phosphate: 0.25
Calcium around 380

Salitity : a little low, cant give exact number cause I cant get a hydrometer that is accurate.
Get a refractometer, hydrometers are useless.
Cut back on your lighting. It doesn't look like you have corals, so you really don't need lighting at all, the fish don't need it. Also cut back on feeding. Extra nutrients is usually a major contributor to hair algae, and many people over feed without realizing it.
With lights off for a few days, the hair algae should start to loose it's green color, and begin to turn yellow/brown. At that point, turn off water flow and try to siphon out as much as yo
[list type=decimal][/list type=decimal]u can. I also like to pull off what I can, using some guaze to grab it between my fingers (bristle worms like to hang out in hair algae and the guaze will also give you some extra grip).
What do you have in your tank (fish and inverts)?
What do you feed? How much? How often?


I use formula two flakes by ocean nutrition. feed once in the morning, I dont know a good size pinch??
What could be off that would result in hair algy?
I have 2 clowns, and 1 hawaiian firefish. 2 turbo snails, 2 hermit crabs, 1 emereld crab


What size tank?
I'd recommend bumping up your cleaners. Look into some Nassarius snails and Trochus snails.
Ditch the flake food, it's feeding the hair algae and holds little nutrition for your fish. Look into a frozen mixture such as Mysis Shrimp or Marine Cuisine. A quarter of a cube every other day is enough.
Cut back lighting as well and increase water changes.


20gl. I go 25% water changes every 2 to 3 weeks. ill change the food and less light. pick up some of those snails tomorrow.


Just did a water test.
Nitrate: 0 or as close to 0 are the test can get
Phosphate: 0- 0.10
Calcium: 420
Hardness: 161


Ahhh, you're using ppm.
It is helpful for you to put what you're measuring in at the end of the numbers. Most people use the dKH measurement on the API kit.


Well-Known Member
IMO, alkalinity doesn't have much to do with hair algae....
Here you go:


I agree, just wanted to clarify since it was posted.
I don't see issues with the readings.
I really think that it's the flake food and minimal cleaners that are causing the issue along with longer than necessary light cycles. If it were up to me, I'd do weekly water changes, no lights and better foods.
Ditch the flakes!



lol, flake gets a bad wrap, but I've used it for years...

You do a lot of unconventional things, lol
Flake food as a treat, I'm okay with, but not as the main part of the diet, and certainly not in a new tank with hair algae and inadequate CUC.


I have some Omega One Frozen Mysis Shrimp. Looks about the size of a sugar cube, maybe a little bigger. So 1/4 every other day? that all they need is 1/4 every other day? Doesnt seem like enough to me.