I have a coralife 2X65 watt light that sits on the glass. they are on for 8-11 hrs a day, really depends when i get home.
water paremeters:
Nitrate aout 0-5
phosphate: 0.25
Calcium around 380
Salitity : a little low, cant give exact number cause I cant get a hydrometer that is accurate.
Get a refractometer, hydrometers are useless.
Cut back on your lighting. It doesn't look like you have corals, so you really don't need lighting at all, the fish don't need it. Also cut back on feeding. Extra nutrients is usually a major contributor to hair algae, and many people over feed without realizing it.
With lights off for a few days, the hair algae should start to loose it's green color, and begin to turn yellow/brown. At that point, turn off water flow and try to siphon out as much as yo
[list type=decimal][/list type=decimal]u can. I also like to pull off what I can, using some guaze to grab it between my fingers (bristle worms like to hang out in hair algae and the guaze will also give you some extra grip).
What do you have in your tank (fish and inverts)?
What do you feed? How much? How often?