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  1. egill


    Today has gone well. They are swimming together for the most part. Once in a while the "bigger" one will charge off the smaller one. Was watching them swim side by side and they both started twitching but the smaller one is doing it more often. Also noticing another issue. I have 4 turbo...
  2. egill

    These are 2 things that irk me!!!

    Originally Posted by alyssia Off subject here, but what is Borders? Book store like Barnes and Noble. Mod- sorry bout the auction link.
  3. egill

    These are 2 things that irk me!!!

    You weren't kiddin about ----. They have a ton of them. http:***= MOD EDIT: no links to auction sites plz
  4. egill

    These are 2 things that irk me!!!

    Did you check their website?
  5. egill


    They are now swimming together and the "smaller" one is backing down and is indeed twitching. The bully is still chasing him around though. Hopefully this will end soon.
  6. egill


    He said he bought them at the same time but they weren't a pair. Didn't think that was recommended but he did it. Said he never say a sign of fighing between them.
  7. egill


    Here are some pictures....most came out blurry as heck so I'll only put up the clear ones. BTW they are both Gold Stripes the yellow just didn't come out in the pictures. First off here is the tank after I first set it up Then we have the bully Here's the one that is getting picked on.
  8. egill


    Tank has been up and running for over 2 months. Clean up crew has been in for over a week now. I have a 46g bow. He had them in a 29 which I thought was kinda small....heck the 46 probably going to be kinda small until I get my 75g switched over to saltwater.
  9. egill


    Originally Posted by spanko I would take the eggcrate out and let it go. they will figure it out or one will get bullied to death. Either way you can't keep them divided forever. The eggcrate was recommend by the lfs. He said it'd give them a chance to calm down from the move.
  10. egill


    Had a buddy that was gettting rid of his clowns. Told him I was looking for a pair to start my tank with. He said I could have them since he was getting out of saltwater. He brought them over and they are Maroons. They are beautiful fish and he has on had them 2 months. They are both the...
  11. egill

    Wk 14

    Originally Posted by saltygerman And T.O. B****in on the sidelines. GO COLTS +1
  12. egill


    That's good to know. Thank You!!!
  13. egill


    Little update. Everything is going well. Ph is a little on the low side (bout 7.8) so I'll be gettting a buffer to raise it. This morning I noticed what appears to be a pretty good sized bristle worm coming out of one of the holes in the live rock. From what I've read on here they are pretty...
  14. egill

    Anyone in southcentral IN?

    Fort Wayne here!!! Not really in your neck of the woods but kinda close.
  15. egill


    Went out and purchased 2 Koralia 1's and have them on opposites sides of the tank. Also got 4 Mexican Turbo Snails and 3 hermit crabs and they are in hog heaven right now!!!
  16. egill


    Thanks for the info. I guess I'd want to place them on opposite sides of the tank then?
  17. egill


    Another question. How do you know if you have enough flow? I have a ViaAqua 1800 rated at 480gph. It came with the wet/dry. Is that enough or do I need a power head to help with the flow?
  18. egill


    Ok tank has been up for a month. Cured Live Rock has been in for 3 weeks and when the lights are off I have snails all over the place. Put a raw shrimp in a week ago to start the cycle. Have not seen a spike yet...dunno if I missed it or not. I didn't do a water test the first 2 weeks I put...
  19. egill


    Just want to thank everyone that has posted valuable info that I've been lurking thru the last couple weeks. After countless years of having fresh water I decided to leap into SW. Went out and bought a 46g bow with a wet/dry filtration. Got a protein skimmer and heater all in the sump. Have...