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  1. theclemsonkid

    I am a huge fan of the Cleveland Indians, therefore I am a racist! (says people around here)

    This little image has been making its way around the Facebook pages in northeast Ohio the past few weeks, with opening day being today. It happens every year, but for some reason this year has been of particular interest to the "everything is racist" crowd. Maybe I am completely blinded by my...
  2. theclemsonkid

    Happy Spring Everyone!

    I get here at 6:15am, no snow, warmish temps. (Low 40's). I go to the back to bake, and come out two hours later... 27 degrees and a white out that just dropped three inches on us. Happy spring to you too!
  3. theclemsonkid

    Blackfish, SeaWorld, dolphins and the food chain... This might get ugly :-)

    My little hometown of Massillon, Ohio just announced that a $55 million Water Park/Aquarium will be built starting in a few weeks, opening in 2015. If you're interested in the details of what they are going to be, see for all the specifics. Anyways, it's...
  4. theclemsonkid

    The Malaysian Flight 370 Scooby-Do super thread!

    My two theories are as follows: 1. The plane was hijacked by some people who were very well versed in the tracking devices on a 777. Although that's really not that far fetched of an idea, what with all of the available information on the internet. They probably told the pilots to start on...
  5. theclemsonkid

    The Malaysian Flight 370 Scooby-Do super thread!

    There are some smart people on here (yes, I was being serious). So everyone put on your thinkin' caps, and lets figure out where the heck this missing jet is! The good money says it's more than likely on the bottom of the Indian Ocean, or Bay of Bengal. But what fun is that?!? I want to hear...
  6. theclemsonkid

    Should local news media remain free online, or are you ok with a monthly access fee?

    My local newspaper has just rolled out a new pricing structure to read their online edition. It will cost you $8.99 per month for access. If you don't pay, you get three articles "for free" per month, and then your IP will be blocked out for the remainder of the month. Mind you, this is a...
  7. theclemsonkid

    Has getting a DUI really become just "another day" type thiing?

    So one of the delivery guys for one of my vendors is a friend of mine outside of work. We both play in local bands, and have a lot of the same friends. He comes in today to drop some stuff off and says "Well, I finally got popped for my first DUI. I guess I had it coming since everyone else...
  8. theclemsonkid

    Cell phone ban in businesses, you good with that?

    As some of you may know, I own a cupcake bakery. Yesterday, some early 20's something girl and her kid come in. She's blabbing on her cell phone, laughing, carrying on. While doing this, she walks up to the case, and starts pointing. I politely inform her my policy, which is "your phone call...
  9. theclemsonkid

    Security in schools... metal dectectors to armed guards, vets to concealed teachers...

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW You and i agree. COMPLETELY. Someone mark this day. Virtual high five! TheClemson (it was bound to happen at some point) Kid
  10. theclemsonkid

    Security in schools... metal dectectors to armed guards, vets to concealed teachers...

    One of the local Cleveland talk radio hosts (on the FOX News affiliate, for some context) spent four hours the other night on the question of "If it's your kid we're talking about, what do you want their school to do to feel safe from a school shooting?" The answers ranged from metal detectors...
  11. theclemsonkid

    Has the cost of rounds gone down, or availability gone up in your neck of the woods?

    Just curious now that the dust has somewhat settled with Newtown, what's it been like getting rounds where you are? Here in Ohio, it's still next to impossible to find any cheap stuff at WalMart, so I have been hitting the local sporting games store. They sell fifty, 9mm FMJ 115 grain rounds...
  12. theclemsonkid

    The Ukraine protests and violence.

    It's a no win for Obama. If he stays out of it, he's considered weak. If he were to send troops, he'd be considered nuts, and would more than likely start something that none of us want ANYTHING to do with. So, what do you want him to do? (I personally say it's not our problem, so butt out.)
  13. theclemsonkid

    By the grace of god.......................................

    I'm just curious as to how this woman got seven shots off and he only got one. I'm not saying it isn't true, I'm just trying to figure exactly how this thing went down. She's coming from her car, walking to her door, when out of nowhere, a guy jumps out and puts a gun to her head. I would...
  14. theclemsonkid


    When I graduated high school in 1999 and got to college, I was honestly pissed because around 80% of what I learned in high school was stuff I will never use again, college included. I think the American education system wants to groom us to all be a little versed in everything, but not really...
  15. theclemsonkid

    I was thinking today.

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW It disenfranchises people and is a racist policy. I still can't believe they let non-whites even vote in the first place! Let alone having an ID... (Yes, that was sarcasm)
  16. theclemsonkid

    Apparently God has selective hearing...

    I'm not saying that people don't think domestic violence is a bad thing, because I'm sure most people do. I guess it's just disheartening for me to see all this time, effort and money going towards the "anti-gay" agenda. Everything from Prop 8 in California, to the laws in Arizona and...
  17. theclemsonkid

    Apparently God has selective hearing...

    Quote: Originally Posted by Darthtang AW Clemson, whoever hacked your account should be banned.The avatar is funny, but the removal of your posts unless done by a moderator for inflammatory comments is unacceptable. I highly doubt any mods edited your posts, however. Yeah, I have no idea what...
  18. theclemsonkid

    Apparently God has selective hearing...

    Quote: Originally Posted by Beth There is a difference between Black/White water fountain and the religious objections to homosexuality. Christians fear that acceptance of homosexuality as natural will result in impositions placed on their belief system. Such as Catholic priests being...
  19. theclemsonkid

    Apparently God has selective hearing...

    Quote: Originally Posted by 2Quills God heard about your little thread here and disagrees with your logic. He thinks you'd be better suited as veggie dip. HAHAHA If God is all powerful with delicious vegetable dip... I'm not gonna lie, I could get behind that.
  20. theclemsonkid

    Apparently God has selective hearing...

    Umm, so someone apparently hacked into my account and changed my picture to an avocado?!? I have to say, that's a first. And apparently deleted all my previous posts in this thread. Thanks mysterious vegetable lover.