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  1. levinjac

    KH very high,

    oh ya LOL thats what i ment
  2. levinjac

    my lion eats wayyyyy too much!

    well reduce feeding to every other day.......
  3. levinjac

    KH very high,

    is it ina sump then add a bubble catcher
  4. levinjac

    Is This Little Fishy Okay :[ ? *~[{ PICTURE INSIDE!}]~*

    well just to give hobbiest stuff to learn from this NEVER and I mean never get a mandrine without a really big pod population never not know if your tank is fresh or salt always have the right stuff and yeeling at him isnt going to help we need to give him advise and he doesnt listen than dont...
  5. levinjac

    Building my 56 gallon Column reef tank

    oh just good water LOL
  6. levinjac

    KH very high,

  7. levinjac

    my lion eats wayyyyy too much!

    its ok if its stomach is out a little bit
  8. levinjac

    eel just wont EAT

    try live guppies and then give it back to your lfs because a 72 is not cut out for that big of an eel
  9. levinjac

    Is This Little Fishy Okay :[ ? *~[{ PICTURE INSIDE!}]~*

    LOL and steros on the bottom and putting a shark in a 75..
  10. levinjac

    Cycle tank?

    ya 3 weeks min 8 weeks max
  11. levinjac

    Building my 56 gallon Column reef tank

    dont emrald crabs eat it or is that bubble algea
  12. levinjac

    Cycle tank?

    well atleast you have ammonia at all some people need to kick start it
  13. levinjac

    KH very high,

    well ya just to keep it at an ok level until you find the problem.......
  14. levinjac

    Good Saltwater? (Command Lock!)

    OMG nightmares i cant stand it flower
  15. levinjac

    KH very high,

    i used to because i dunno it was always at 7.9 i used kent
  16. levinjac

    KH very high,

    oh i just ment ingeneral like he has a fowler with inverts anem sooo he has no need unless the ph is low
  17. levinjac


    LOL there nice...........
  18. levinjac


    hmm did your "son" send you those
  19. levinjac

    Good Saltwater? (Command Lock!)

    wait wait wait you cant just add salt omg you mix it in buckets and use actual aquarium salt not salt that we eat with and it will kill the fish if you just pour it in