Is This Little Fishy Okay :[ ? *~[{ PICTURE INSIDE!}]~*


You're getting flamed because you're an idiot. You asked for advice about your very sick, malnourished fish, and when you got an answer you didn't like, you threw a temper tantrum.
Even if you added 50 more pounds of live rock and two bottles of live copepods, your fish is not going to survive. It is STARVING! You are abusing this fish. Comparing your clownfish to this mandarin is like comparing apples to oranges. A clown fish will accept almost any type of food and can live through some terrible conditions, a mandarin simply can't. They have a very specialized diet. Since this fish is so thin and missing coloration, it really needs the care of an experienced
hobbyist to even have a chance of survival.
Your clownfish are not going to breed. That's just idiot speak. I saw your full tank shot, and there is NO WAY they are going to breed in that type of set up. Fish won't breed unless parameters are perfect and that tank is anything but that.
Please do some more research. If you're determined to come on here for your research, don't be offended when you are yelled at for doing something wrong. You purchased this fish and have had it for awhile without doing any research until now. The research should have been done before you ever purchased the fish.


Active Member
Christine O'Donnell's understanding of the constitution is probably clearer than a) your sentences and b) your skills as a fish keeper. If you want people to take you serious I'd suggest you take care of those two things. If you're just looking for attention, find it somewhere else...


Well-Known Member

This guy is a troll, his first post says the tank has been up for 1 year...come on..its all B.S.


BUT....if he is a troll.....has he not accomplished what he set out to do
the more you dispute and comment....the more acknowledgment he gets
so IMO.....ignore this thread now


Active Member
well just to give hobbiest stuff to learn from this NEVER and I mean never get a mandrine without a really big pod population never not know if your tank is fresh or salt always have the right stuff and yeeling at him isnt going to help we need to give him advise and he doesnt listen than dont bother


just one general question: how can u not tell the difference between fresh and salt not to be rude( im not trying to yell) but like isnt the difference obvious