Is This Little Fishy Okay :[ ? *~[{ PICTURE INSIDE!}]~*


i reply lol and i placed a fugi rock in today and the mandarin seem to craw around it every day and nao is there some thing with mah mandarin?


Translation please?
Seriously, I understand you are a kid but my nephew in second grade can construct understandable sentences.
It would be easier to offer advice if people knew what you were trying to say.


meowzer is a rolemodel for you dont copy him ^^ and mah sentence is perfect nothing there is wrong.... it becuase you cant read i say i have a fugi or some thing rock it a live rock and i say a mandarin is crawing around it so much even now he still is... and i ask what is wrong with him? is he like that?


Originally Posted by Burrito http:///forum/thread/381438/is-this-little-fishy-okay-picture-inside/80#post_3323256
meowzer is a rolemodel for you dont copy him ^^ and mah sentence is perfect nothing there is wrong.... it becuase you cant read i say i have a fugi or some thing rock it a live rock and i say a mandarin is crawing around it so much even know he still... and i ask what is wrong with him? is he like that?
Ok Einstein, Meowzer is a "she". As far as the rest, if you think there is anything understandable in yours posts, you are sadly mistaken. If I was your mother (thank God for small favors that I'm not) your mouth would be washed out with soap for being a wise @ss. Oh, and you'd have a tutor.
I was asking for clarification so that I could understand your problem. I give up.


Originally Posted by smartorl http:///forum/thread/381438/is-this-little-fishy-okay-picture-inside/80#post_3323260
Ok Einstein, Meowzer is a "she". As far as the rest, if you think there is anything understandable in yours posts, you are sadly mistaken. If I was your mother (thank God for small favors that I'm not) your mouth would be washed out with soap for being a wise @ss. Oh, and you'd have a tutor.
I was asking for clarification so that I could understand your problem. I give up.
YIKES...yes Burrito.....I am a she....LOL.....
But on a more serious note.....It really is hard to understand what you are getting at

Take your need to speed thru the post, read what you wrote before hitting reply.....I/WE would love to help you....we just honestly don;t know what you are saying..
we are trying to help.....not criticize you


errrrrrrr i just asked i have a fugi (or what ever it called) rock and mandarin likes them? mines seems wierd to them lol


Originally Posted by Burrito http:///forum/thread/381438/is-this-little-fishy-okay-picture-inside/80#post_3323271
errrrrrrr i just asked i have a fugi (or what ever it called) rock and mandarin likes them? mines seems wierd to them lol you mean you have rock that came from FIGI????
the mandarins eat the pods that hide in the rock.....they could care less what type of rock you have, only that it had copepods.....if you have a you have a refugium, or a good source of pods for it??


hmmmmmm thx. i might start a refugium 2morrow to start the copepods spawning service :3 by live rocks and 1 bottle of copepods


soooo can you tell me everything on refugium? like what goes inside it and what doe it do and what do i need like? protein skimmer or mud and tell me the price range of them :3


Originally Posted by Burrito http:///forum/thread/381438/is-this-little-fishy-okay-picture-inside/80#post_3323275
soooo can you tell me everything on refugium? like what goes inside it and what doe it do and what do i need like? protein skimmer or mud and tell me the price range of them :3
NOPE...don't take this the wrong have to look stuff up yourself to learn.....
look it up, and if you need opinions or have a question on something you don't understand ok....ask....but please do not ask us to do the research for you


Well-Known Member

Burrito, are you deaf? I'm not being mean to ask. I had a fellow visit once, he was deaf and I couldn't make out his words, so I asked him to write it out and even then I couldn't make sense of it.
If I can at all translate what you are asking, a fjgi rock is the right type of rock. It is not however enough to keep the mandarin happy. The rock makes the fish feel more at home, that's why he seems to like it and is staying close to it. There is not enough copepods on the rock to keep a mandarin alive. They eat thousands of copepods everyday.
If you buy a bottle of copepods the are maybe 200 in it. Those bottles are just starter kits, it is not enough for the mandarin to live on. A refugium takes months to let the little copepods grow in enough numbers to keep a mandarin alive. You would have to have the refugium up and running or a long time before you put a mandarin in your tank.
Once these fish begin to starve they get to where they can't eat, even if you put him in a tank loaded with copepods his tummy is too shrunk to eat.