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  1. outlaw60

    pls hlp ive stumble upn a brick wall and cant continue wth plans

    what I think you are trying to do is a closed loop system. Powerheads are self powered units, ie plug in and go, no plumbing. A good place to visit for closed loops is melevs reef. Google it, great info and he explains and diagrams much better than I ever could. If you can, use the OM diverter...
  2. outlaw60

    Keeping LS Clean

    ditto on the conch's, they will eat green algae and diatoms. I have two per tank and have to supplement their diet with nori because they clean so well, and fast.
  3. outlaw60

    What's the best food for mushroom polyps?

    the only mushrooms I spot feed are my hairy and carpet, the others, from my experiance, get what they need from the light and water.
  4. outlaw60

    Drip Acclimation

    Originally Posted by Benuski Never put water from another system into yours agreed, you never know what is in THEIR water!
  5. outlaw60

    community aquarium

    a pair of clowns, blenny, gobies, six-line wrasse, skunk shrimp, maybe a pygmy hawk (no swim bladder, like to dart and perch). and a 3-4" sandbed for the blenny and wrasse.
  6. outlaw60

    My Keyhole Angel Won't Eat

    try soaking some mysis in garlic or selcon, mine go nuts over it, but all angels are different, thats just works for me. If it was caught with cynanide it may never eat though.
  7. outlaw60

    pygmy angel

    Originally Posted by hot883 How long was he acclimated and how? I am thinking you know how to do this, but will check to see so others can learn too. Barry how are your water parameters? sounds a lot like stress, and not all pygmy angels are hard to take care of. Try keeping the lights down...
  8. outlaw60

    skimmer for sale

    sorry the other site didn't work out, I should have waited another week :thinking: good luck
  9. outlaw60

    Live Rock Must Sell

    I think all people should have to maintain a certain post per day average as well over a certain period of time (only for classifieds forum). Some of us work 12 hour days to help pay for our hobby, sorry if I don't get on hear often enough. See you in a few days
  10. outlaw60

    Live Rock Must Sell

    I have been on these boards off and on since 2002, banned a few times for being outspoken, lol. I believe if you are going to make a purchase you should always do your reseach, ie cost locally, shipped...etc. I just feel that one should not be beat up for his prices, just move to another post...
  11. outlaw60

    Live Rock Must Sell

    Originally Posted by team2jndd I also notice that not only is this the posters first post, he has made no others since. Sketchy I think. Outlaw if you are ready to send this guy enough money for premium live rock after his long standing dedication to this board... be my guest...
  12. outlaw60

    Selling after loss....

    sorry for you loss, good luck inthe future
  13. outlaw60

    Blue Ring

    ditto, pics please :thinking:
  14. outlaw60

    Woot new refuge! Need a way to stop the gurgling.

    try a filter sock, just change them often or they will become a nitrate factory, da** trade-offs
  15. outlaw60

    Live Rock Must Sell

    Is the classified's a discussion forum now? Mods?
  16. outlaw60

    Live Rock Must Sell

    If you think it is too high you don't have to buy it. The seller obviously feels it is a fair price, if you would like to buy some, make an offer, otherwise you can buy some off this site, or any other site you choose. There is no reason to berate someone over their prices if you are not going...
  17. outlaw60

    Cleaning Tanks

    I use white vineager and water. hth
  18. outlaw60

    Puffers and cleaning crew?

    only between meals, lol, my puffers always ate my crabs and shrimp
  19. outlaw60

    3 Tanks for sale. Complete setup. SAVANNAH, GA

    any pics of your sumps?
  20. outlaw60

    skimmer for sale

    what are you looking for?, sorry 'bout that