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  1. smork81

    WTS or trade Yellow/red gorgonian frags

    this is what it says when i try to PM you. "bruner54 has chosen not to receive private messages or may not be allowed to receive private messages. Therefore you may not send your message to him/her." But I need your zip code to get your shipping quote and I need to know if you want it mounted on...
  2. smork81

    Ricordia frag time is near!

    I love the ones I got from you yesterday and just wanted to say thanks again for them. They are so pretty. Nika
  3. smork81

    WTS or trade Yellow/red gorgonian frags

    Originally Posted by Shrimpi waiting for pics so I can decide So Do you like the pics? LMK if your still interested Nika
  4. smork81

    Trade or Sell Corals - Rochester,NY

    Originally Posted by mspad Any interest in Crown Leather corals, Anthelia, Bright Orange Mushrooms, Green/brown mushrooms, Kenya trees, Green star polyps, and Yellow polyps. Let me know I have yellow and red Gorgonians for trade also about 8 types of Zoos and palys, caulerpa Racemosa...
  5. smork81

    WTS or trade Yellow/red gorgonian frags

    Taking off $1.50 on each price per frag.
  6. smork81

    FRAGS gone WILD!

    Whats left?
  7. smork81

    WTS or trade Yellow/red gorgonian frags

    These aren't great at all because they are from my cell phone. edit: If i haven't replied to anyone about shipping then let me know please so i can give you a quote thanks nika
  8. smork81

    WTS or trade Yellow/red gorgonian frags

    Originally Posted by BizzyB Can you put a pic of the yellow up? I have misplaced my digi camera so I will try to get good pics with my phone. I just went and bought the usb hook up for my phone to DL to my pc so I'm hoping it will work.
  9. smork81

    WTS or trade Yellow/red gorgonian frags

    Originally Posted by saltwaternube i only have vho's are those enough for gorgs or do i need metal halides? Just put them in a high flow area and they will do fine...VHo's are fine cause they are a low light specimen like stated above. For everyone who's inquired about these i will pm you...
  10. smork81

    WTS or trade Yellow/red gorgonian frags

    One 5" yellow frag sold. Still have about 20 inches or so to frag on the yellow.
  11. smork81

    WTS or trade Yellow/red gorgonian frags

    ok here go the prices for the yellow gorgonian 1" - $5.00 2" - $7.00 3" - $9.00 4" - $11.00 5" - $14.00 6" - $18.00 This will include a heat pack also. Prices for red gorgonian Just add $1.75 per inch based on the above. ( can not frag over 4 inch pieces from red gorg.) My zip is 39562....You...
  12. smork81

    WTS or trade Yellow/red gorgonian frags

    how big of a frag would you like? And do you want them free floating or mounted on a plug or rubble LR? And the plants are doing Great!! They have grown alot i had to put some in my QT cause the refugium was filling up lol... I'm not exactly sure what to charge for the frags...I went...
  13. smork81

    WTS or trade Yellow/red gorgonian frags

    I have alot of the deep sea yellow gorgonian I can frag 1 inch to 6 inch frags. This whole tree is pretty large and I can get alot from it. If you want I can mount them on plugs or rubble LR with epoxy or leave them free floating. They have great white polyp extension and have thenice red...
  14. smork81

    Worst thing you have heard from your LFS

    Originally Posted by sepulatian Cupramine is used to treat SW ich. Did he also tell you that you will never be able to have inverts in the tank and all of your LR will become base rock? That was my point...I have starfish sea hares a tiger tail etc etc....In my tank and he KNEW that! lol...
  15. smork81

    WTB zoos/palys no expensive ones.

    The local place here is so crappy with zoos and palys. They are horribly expensive for just yellow polyps and thats about all they ever carry too. I have yellow polyps allready and need something else and they never have anything else lol
  16. smork81

    Worst thing you have heard from your LFS

    New to saltwater when I was setting up my first tank...It was a 55 gallon. I asked about a Scopas tang they had for sale. The LFS guy said the Scopas would be fine in my 55 for its life!!!! That was just one of many from this store. Another was..."yes you can add Cupramine to your tank for...
  17. smork81

    Live Rock questions

    Welcome to the boards!
  18. smork81

    Pics of 135 gal!

    Nice tank! Can't wait to see it a few months down the road. Keep us posted !