Search results

  1. lopeyc

    What's your favorite live rock?

    I've used kailini and fiji and florida aquaculture rock in the past. One of the top lfs here in no. california swears by kailini. when I got the kailini it was uncured and great -- stuff all over it. however, by the end of curing it was dull and mostly white, although the corralline came back...
  2. lopeyc

    Growth Shots (Image Intense)

    very beautiful
  3. lopeyc

    What's your favorite live rock?

    It all looks the same kind of... :confused:
  4. lopeyc

    Sea Hare???

    One of my lfs has a bunch of HUGE sea hares in right now -- they're crazy. They cruise around the tank like giant slugs on ten cups of coffee, as if doing laps. Weirdly fast. And they do look like a bunny rabbit -- if Bart Simpson was God and making everything out of wet clay. Looked to me liked...
  5. lopeyc

    How's this lineup?

    Here's what Scott Michael's "Marine Fishes" says about the yellow longnose butterfly: "In most cases, these fish seem to ignore corals, but they have been reported to feed on stony and soft coral polyps in the wild. Will also eat tubeworms and nip at sea urchin tube feet." That seems like a...
  6. lopeyc

    How's this lineup?

    My flame is a fat 4' and fast and I thought he'd like a longer tank but I suppose he's fine for now -- I was giving the tank to my son's school, but I guess they can wait. The flame actually is not a picker in my tank -- leaves everything alone, unlike my coral beauty in another tank who...
  7. lopeyc

    How's this lineup?

    the flame is actually something of a diplomat in my smaller tank, kind of managing the other fish's relationships. I don't think he'll be a problem as long as I don't put any timid fish in the tank who'll hide at feeding time. It's the clowns and damsels which I've found to be abusive, which is...
  8. lopeyc

    How's this lineup?

    Thank you, too. But now I have more questions! This tank will actually be starting out with a decent amount of live rock, gravel and water seeded from my other established tanks so it will be something between an absolutely raw tank and an established one. The problem with holding off on the...
  9. lopeyc

    How's this lineup? much for that thoughtful reply. Very helpful.
  10. lopeyc

    How's this lineup?

    I'm setting up a 90g 4' tank. The first resident will be a flame angel I have in a smaller tank. After that here are some of the fish I'm considering to add over time: yellow tang fairy wrasse midas blennie yellow longnosed butterfly snowflake eel bartlett's anthias Wondering if folks this is...
  11. lopeyc

    How's this lineup?

    I'm setting up a 90g 4' reef tank. The first resident will be a flame angel I have in a smaller tank. After that here are some of the fish I'm considering to add over time: yellow tang fairy wrasse midas blennie yellow longnosed butterfly snowflake eel bartlett's anthias Wondering if folks this...
  12. lopeyc

    Tang death: Very sad, very confused

    My son's pretty good with talking about life and death stuff and I think it is important to be honest. Unfortunately, though, we've had a string of bad luck with animals, starting two years ago when our cat died abruptly (slain by a dog, although thank goodness my son wasn't with me when I found...
  13. lopeyc

    Tang death: Very sad, very confused

    About once a month I spritz some defrosted shrimp or fish bits onto my anemones.
  14. lopeyc

    Tang death: Very sad, very confused

    That was the basic meal. I put in the ocassional (every week or two) sprig of macro algae, some frozen shrimp or fish, some phytoplankton and zooplankton for other denizens... I used to be real strict because I was so concerned about nitrates, but now that I have a refugium with macros I have...
  15. lopeyc

    Tang death: Very sad, very confused

    answers to other questions: -- I haven't taken readings since this happened last night. -- I hadn't worked in the tank. I had done a five gallon (out of 55) water change the day before. He's in the freezer now and goddamn if I wouldn't pay to have an autopsy if somebody could tell me what went...
  16. lopeyc

    Tang death: Very sad, very confused

    -- The anemone is 4 or 5 times bigger than the tang when spread out, although I've never seen him come close to sticking a fish with a tentacle or anything. His tentacles are the shortish (2") kind rather than long and flowing like my condy. -- he was getting fresh macroalgae from my refugium...
  17. lopeyc

    fish list for a 75 gallon tank

    a quarantine tank, as far as I understand, won't stay cycled -- if there's no bioload, the bacteria will all die. No? When I qt I take water from my main tank which is already cycled, put it in the qt tank the day I put in the new fish. The other way I've heard is to just do daily partial water...
  18. lopeyc

    Tang death: Very sad, very confused

    Just suprised since I've had four anemones in two tanks for a year and lost nothing more than a few snails to them. I figured he died somewhere else and the maroon clown did his usual thing of trying to drag food to big for his mouth to his anemone. Now I've gotta figure out whether to tell my...
  19. lopeyc

    Tang death: Very sad, very confused

    A few hours after feeding my very healthy (or so I thought) 2 or 3-year-old yellow tang, I found him clutched in an anemone, dead, with an emerald crab cutting a hole in him. I was really quite shocked. He was gloriously yellow, no lateral line problems, always calm and stately, a good...
  20. lopeyc

    Dead fish!

    when the fridmani went missing, i did some research and found that the gramma might have gone after him. but then the gramma died about 10 days later, so it seems unlikely he also died of wounds -- and there were no bites or tears on his body. thanks for replying.