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  1. fuzzylion44

    Fuzzy Dwarf Lion

    Very cute!!!!!:) my little girl is on my icon when she was a baby, her name is little monster whats urs?
  2. fuzzylion44

    my girlfreind dropped a bottle of windex in my tank

    I would have to agree. I do all the care taking for my babies and my boyfriend leaves it alone. With that said he knows better than to have anything toxic near the tanks. I wont let him get near them unless his hands are clean. I dont know if your girl was trying to be vindictive or not but it...
  3. fuzzylion44

    Help what am I doing wrong?

    see and the odd thing is is that my 2 separate groups of zoa's are double the depth of the anemone and are doing great!
  4. fuzzylion44

    Help what am I doing wrong?

    I know the light will not be as strong at the bottom of the tank but it is less than 8 inches from the top of the tank. i figured that that would be ok. its 420 actinic and 10k daylight. I just spent alot of money on these lights could i try to go from 10k to maybe 20k to help or is that just a...
  5. fuzzylion44

    Help what am I doing wrong?

    I have a white sebae anemone. It was in a 54 gal tank with 4power compact bulbs. I then moved it to my 72 gal with nova extreme t5HO (2bulbs), The anemone has been in the tank for almost 2 months. ammonia-0 nitrates-20 nitrites-0 ph-8.35 phosphate-.5 carbonate hardness- 214.8 ppmkh, 12pkh...
  6. fuzzylion44

    help :)

    i will post pics asap the camera is not working right now :(
  7. fuzzylion44

    help :)

    No thats fone i forgot to change that on my profile i got a nova extreme t5 on the 72 gal tank and that is what they are in. In your opinion what do u think i should do? The small and big orange seem to be pairing great the black one is the odd man out so to speak and causing the problems...
  8. fuzzylion44

    help :)

    Ok so i started out with 2 orange and white clowns.They never fought and one was noticeably larger than the other. So i figured that the smaller one was the male and the larger was the female. the little one would turn sideways and shake next to the larger one but no fight ensued. Then i added 1...
  9. fuzzylion44


    instant ocean
  10. fuzzylion44

    Is this male or female fuzzy?

    yes thank you!!!!!!))
  11. fuzzylion44

    Is this male or female fuzzy?

    im having trouble finding the link
  12. fuzzylion44

    Dwarf lionfish with MOST personality?

    this is off the subject but the post right above this one; what kind of cool looking clownfish is that?
  13. fuzzylion44

    I need help ASAP on T5 lighting

    As of right now i only have my fuzzy dwarf, a foxface,hermit crabs, snails, and a lawnmower blenny. I have my 54 gallon tank for corals. But i do want algae to grow on my lace rock.
  14. fuzzylion44

    I need help ASAP on T5 lighting

    so you think that is the best one? Do you know what companies make them or who the distibuter is? Summit pet, royal pet seoutheatern pet? Thanks!
  15. fuzzylion44

    I need help ASAP on T5 lighting

    Ok so i have a standard 48 inch lighting strip for my 72 gal bowfront tank. It quit working this week so I wanted to upgrade to a t5. QUESTIONS: Do i need to get a fixture that has a fan to run t5's? ( i have power compacts on my 54 gal tank and it got so hot it broke my glass cover 2 times so...
  16. fuzzylion44

    Dwarf lionfish with MOST personality?

    Fuzzy definentally. Mine has learned that he gets fed around 830-900 pm (never figured out how) but he will swim to the side of the tank closest to the couch and stare untill i get up and feed him. He also will come up to the side of the tank to watch and see what im doing. When i move my hand...
  17. fuzzylion44

    Is this male or female fuzzy?

    lol thanks for your help. its so hard to tell. no one really knows for sure. Hes in a 72 gal with a baby foxface and a lawnmower. I just switched him to silversides. The funniest thing ive never seen anything to beat it. My foxface follows him around like a lost puppy. Everywhere my lion goes...
  18. fuzzylion44

    How to care for sebae anemone

    I would have to agree that your nem is not a sebae. I have one and it looks nothing alike. Lights are extremely important I had so much trouble keeping it alive in my 54 corner until I got the power compact lights. It is doing much better. I also feed mine 1 time a week with a turkey baster and...
  19. fuzzylion44

    Is this male or female fuzzy?

    Ok so I have asked everyone if my fuzzy is male or female and no one can tell me. I have read that females have 4-6 stripes on pectoratol fins and males have 6 + stripes. So im thinking dark stripes or light stripes or do you add both? I think mine has 6 so that doesnt help me. The someone said...