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  1. premilove

    How Do I Lower My Nitrates?

    what small fish are you planning to have? you have a rather big tank, the crab wont really attack the other fish. chances are he will stay in a cave, come out every now and will def stay away from your anemones so your clowns will be ok..
  2. premilove

    Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)

    i have a 28 gal and i do not plan on having more than 3 fish. picasso pair, and my spot tail goby/pistol should be fine with 2 fish..have you ever thought of having an angler? they are pretty neat but in that 10 gal he would have to be by himself.. you're basically at either a rare...
  3. premilove

    TALK TO ME PEOPLE..JBJ 6 Gallon Nano Cube

    +1 spend as much as you can afford. i have a 28 nano cube and i am in the process of upgrading..i just got the tank last november.
  4. premilove

    Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)

    being a 10 gallon, you are pretty limited. the last thing you want to do is inc your bio-load..
  5. premilove

    Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)

    yasha haze goby with a tiger pistol shrimp. is your tank in your room? mine is and i can hear my pistol shrimp ---- his 9mm all night. i just wanna go in there and deep fry him yasha haze
  6. premilove

    MH for a 70gal

    oh and if you have a center brace, id try to get a fixture with 2 MH bulbs.. i think you could do 2x150s sicne 150watts can reach 20 inches deep..but then again you are probably going to have a fixture that is sitting on mounting legs or that is more than 2 inches off the water surface. look for...
  7. premilove

    MH for a 70gal

    175-250watts. you could probably get away with 150watts, but your options for coral will be limited..
  8. premilove

    Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)

    LFS around me sold them for 40? i forgot..i know that they are really hard to come by.. live aquaria started selling them, but i heard sanjay stopped breeding or some shistuff
  9. premilove

    Sandals vs Flip Flops

  10. premilove

    Patrick's 10 gal. nano diary :)

    you ever hear of sanjays hybrid onyx clowns? i have a picasso and he has been through the worst situations possible and still lives. imo i think the majority of clowns are hardy given decent water conditions..
  11. premilove

    Anemone Questions

    expect your anemone(s) to move around for a few weeks until they are happy. silversides, mysis, raw shrimp, start with more nutritious sources such as silversides to make them happy fatty's. happy anemones will not move! i think i posted this in your other thread but when i moved my...
  12. premilove

    How Long Should I?

    get your moonlights off of the bay
  13. premilove

    How Long Should I?

    i am not too familiar with that fixture but i am assuming you can operate the blue bulbs with a different switch? if so, then turn them on 1-2 hours before and after your MH. your anemone must love your t-5's. IMO id keep the daylights on for 6-8 hours. feed your anemone a piece of krill or...
  14. premilove

    Do clowns really have this much personality?

    dude look at my avatar. i think that says enough! i am trying to train my clown to eat from my hand..almost had some progress last night until i sneezed..i think my boogers falling into the tank scared him lol
  15. premilove

    ID these Zoas please

    first ones, i am not sure but they are pretty nice! check out the second pic looks like i want to say watermelons, but for some reason their skirts are not as bright as they should be.. other zoas in pic are dragon eyes--GREEN ones.
  16. premilove

    How Long Should I?

    yessir. i think i read your thread, are you the one wearing 2 different shirts when adding sand/salt/water to your tank? didnt you have some sort of light fixture that included daylight, actinics, and moonlights?
  17. premilove

    How Do I Lower My Nitrates?

    turbos! ditch the hermits, they will eventually kill your snails..what kind of snails do you have? get a fighting conch, sally lightfoot crab and a cleaner shrimp.. yeah a sand sifting fish would be any type of bottom dwelling goby..yellow watchmens, yasha hasha (i think i spelled that right) 4...
  18. premilove

    Anyone Use craigslist before?

    still not coming up? if you can't wait till 2m, then remake the post or click the conf link.. lol
  19. premilove

    How Long Should I?

    then run your halides/day lights for 6-10 hours based on your preference. i run my halides for 6-8 hours..before and after my halides are on, my actinics run for an hour - 2 hours..then moonlights are on for the remainder of the 24 hours. for me it is tough. i have a 150 watt jbj nc, with no...
  20. premilove

    How Do I Lower My Nitrates?

    lets just hypothetically say you have a 100 gal tank. your nitrates are 40. if you do a 20% water change, 20% of your nitrates are going to be cleansed..keep doing so until your nitrates are often do you do your water changes? unless you have a 5 gallon pico, i would not worry about...