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  1. aidos

    My six pack of my New 76 gallon tank

    yeah cheers for the info. i have moved the tank anyway, across to the otherside of the room becasue the light from the tank was casting on to the tv, but thanks for the help. also have to paint the background black or blue, will do that tomorrow.
  2. aidos

    My 80 gallon tank has arrived: the saga begins...

    good lookin tank mate, i just got my 76 gallon tank on wednesday, it is my first tank too. all the best keep us updated.
  3. aidos

    My six pack of my New 76 gallon tank

    final pic lights on with the sand, some baserock and powerheads. hope ya like so far, but she is far from finished, should be filling her up with water tomorrow, LFS was out of the big buckets of salt (much more economical). and hope to get bout 30 pounds on LR in her in bout 1-2weeks.
  4. aidos

    My six pack of my New 76 gallon tank

    sand, some base rock and powerhead in place. wiring is a bit messy but will eventually change it.
  5. aidos

    My six pack of my New 76 gallon tank

    new position with lights on.
  6. aidos

    My six pack of my New 76 gallon tank

    new position in my living room, so the lights of the tank arent cast on the tv.
  7. aidos

    My six pack of my New 76 gallon tank

    lights on
  8. aidos

    My six pack of my New 76 gallon tank

    heres my new tank got in on wednesday for my 21st birthday that was on thursday. bought all my test kits, powerheads, sand and some baserock so have a look here she is.
  9. aidos

    New Tank Pics

    nice shrooms, they are on the rampage. hope i can have some goin like that.
  10. aidos

    Sump and Sand

    im thinking if i just dry the sand out so i know its ok, and then placing it in the tank. im getting LR so the bacteria will be able to spread to the sand from that.
  11. aidos

    Sump and Sand

    i was thinking of just taking sand from the beach. if i do take sand from the beach, is it fine to go straight in or is there something i should do to make sure its ok. becasue the waters in South Australia are cold will it cause the bacteria and any organisms in the sand to die when i place...
  12. aidos

    Octopus mercatoris

    fantastic, i hoping that when i eventually finish with my 19 gallon QT that i will make it a home for a pygmy species of octupus that inhabits parts of Western Australia. LFS has one and its fantastic, only live for upto 2 years though.
  13. aidos

    Sump and Sand

    please guys need to know what type of sand i can get as a Calcium Carbonate based aragonite sand is not availible in Australia. should i get a silica based sand instead of CC and if so what exaclty should i look 4. "BUMP 4 ME":help:
  14. aidos

    Sump and Sand

    cheers mate anyone know the answer to the sand question?? cheers
  15. aidos

    Sump and Sand

    number 1 i am not able to get a Calcium Carbonate based aragonite sand here in australia so i wanted to know if there is another alternative that is better than CC, ie a calcium based sand that is not an aragonite?? number 2 if i can not afford a third tank (display, QT and Sump) am i able to...
  16. aidos

    is this a 'good' photo - for portfolio (snake)

    fantastic photo
  17. aidos


    i though that slicates encourage algale growth, or are you talking about a quartz based sand, as the silcates are very stable??
  18. aidos


    ok im from Australia and im looking at wat type of sand i should use for a sandbed. i know the best stuff to have is a Calcium Carbonate based aragonite sand, and needs to be silicon free. heres the problem, all the LFS dont carry live sand and only supply CC (Aus must be a little behind in...
  19. aidos

    how can he have so many fish??

    seams like he is B.S. u and trying to sell u as may fish as possible. whether they live or die, he has made his dollar. stores with that mentality should be closed down, they have no concern for the fish or customer and do far to much damage to the environment.
  20. aidos

    advantages and disadvantages of live rock

    the only negative of LR i can think of is introducing LR that has not been cured into an estblished tank may/will cause a mini cylce and that in turn could kill ur tank mates. just make sure it is all fully cured and u can do this at home "Way back when I first bought live rock I cured it in a...