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  1. aidos

    SW Books

  2. aidos

    power compacts for anemone

    ScubaSteve just out of curiosity how large is the tank and what is ur total wattage, i will be getting a 75G with around 120-150 wats of PC lite. although i think this will not be enough light i was just wondering. also do u direct feed?? i would love to have an anenome but can not afford the...
  3. aidos

    SW Books

    I want to know that the best book is on setting up a saltwater aquarium. I will begin with stocking the tank with reef safe fish but it will be a FOWLR. i would like a book that is very specific on ways of setting up a FOWLR and a reef as i may eventually keep coral and would like a book that...
  4. aidos

    Ich Ich Ich

    thanks thats what i though just wanted to be sure before getting a Blue tang
  5. aidos

    Please advise

    maybe a 55G Esky. cut it up, take it home u will be eating fish for weeks.
  6. aidos

    Ich Ich Ich

    what is ich, it seems some people say is a parisite and other suggest that can be caused through stress. i will be getting a 75 gallon tank next week, hoping to eventually have a FuManCh, SFE, some anthias and a Blue tang. i have heard that blue tangs are renowned for ich. if i quarentine all my...
  7. aidos

    Useless facts.

    Bulls can run faster uphill than downhill if they run downhill to fast their front legs will snap
  8. aidos

    pics under username???

    i haven't got a good pic yet that is under 2MB so i'll have to wait till i can compress and shrink one through Phototshop which i don't have a copy of. cheers
  9. aidos

    any one here an Aussie

    not every one in Australia says "Crickey" in fact the croc hunter is one of the only ones. we do say mate alot though. wel im glad to be the one and only, though a bit dissapointed we should be trying to take over the world, we are the greatest so it only seems fair, lol. good stuff i'll try and...
  10. aidos

    any one here an Aussie

    that right australia owns.... does this mean ur an aussie, if so where u from... it looks like i may be the only one who live here..... sweet.
  11. aidos

    any one here an Aussie

    any aussies on this site i'm from Adelaide and wanted to know you views on any of the local fish shops and maybe even inform me on ones that i don't know of. i have been to seaview and norlunga. cheers
  12. aidos

    pics under username???

    how the hell did you all get those pic under ya usernames i want one too is there any special way to do this that i am unaware of?? cheers
  13. aidos

    X-Box or PS2

    go the PS2 or a PC, i have all four and the PS2 has the best range of games out of the three consoles. you have GT3 and soon GT4 as well as hordes of other games. xbos has halo, now if you have played any first person pc games before you will see that halo is made up of modes, styles and AI, the...
  14. aidos

    75g About 8 or 9 Weeks in, Tell Me What You Think.

    sweet tank, hope when i get my 64G goin it will look that impressive in 8-9 weeks. the key is not to rush though. good work.
  15. aidos

    Live Rock Question

    I'm only new but from what i have ready, and been told by my LFS is that you will need to add live rock slowly and the amount this will depend on the size of ur tank. what happens is that a percentage of the bacteria on the LR will die off, and it will take time for the living bacteria on the...
  16. aidos

    jebo tanks and protein skimmers

  17. aidos

    jebo tanks and protein skimmers

    yeah i think it is similar to an eclipse system. i havent found out the wattage of the lights yeat but i had allready made a note of it to ask my LFS, all i want is so mushrooms, zoo, frogspawn and maybe a hammerhead. what wattage am i gonna need for those around 150-180?? cheers
  18. aidos

    jebo tanks and protein skimmers

    i'm assuming that there is no one that really has any experience with this question?? bump
  19. aidos

    Lion fish in reef tank

    well after all of ur helpfull opinions and information i have decided to rest on this list of fish 1x Zebra Lionfish 3x Scalefin Anthias 1x either a Hawaiian Flame or Laboutei Fairy or Tricolor Fairy Wrasse 1x Tiger Watchman or Sleeper Gold Head Goby. aside from the Hawaiian Flame wrasse and...
  20. aidos

    jebo tanks and protein skimmers

    Bump :help: