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  1. aidos

    jebo tanks and protein skimmers

    i'm buying a jebo R3100 tank which is about 64 gallons in capacity. i have been told by my LFS that i cannot add a protien skimmer to it, the lid is in the way. does anyone of a way to attach a skimmer to a jebo tank, weather it be extearnally, internally or if i have to modify the tank lid. i...
  2. aidos

    Lion fish in reef tank

    ive been told that i don't need a protien skimmer by my LFS, but i definetly agree with u, i wondered if he was on something when he said that. i will definelty go for a large skimmer. thanks
  3. aidos

    Lion fish in reef tank

    im wanting to set up a reef tank with a dwarf lion. feeding won't be a problem as will be able to feed in the morning and mid afternoon, so uni won't casue a problem. cheers
  4. aidos

    Feeding Lion Fish

    cheers just wanted to know why it was bad for a lion to eat live freshwater fish. if i do get myself a lion fish i would like to feed it live food, so i guess it will just be something i do once a fortnight or so. cheers
  5. aidos

    Lion fish in reef tank

    yeah cheers that sounds good, think i will get a starfish aswell. i'm thinking of getting a yellow tang but they sell for around $200 down here in australia, so i might even skip a tang altogether, but i have been told that they are also great algae eaters cheers
  6. aidos

    Lion fish in reef tank

    what sort of clean up crew is then gonna be the most effecient to control the algae if it get to such a point. just as many crabs, snails as possible and maybe a starfish??
  7. aidos

    Lion fish in reef tank

    i'm only really interested in zoo and mushrooms with the coral and hopefully also a frogspawn.
  8. aidos

    Lion fish in reef tank

    i'm not really interested in the large lions, i'm really after a dwarf so that it allows me to have other fish in the tank such as anthias, and i dont want such a large fish. but i may have to cut the size of my list.
  9. aidos

    Lion fish in reef tank

    i'm wanting to have a reef setup so i will have around 100 pounds of live rock. if it is that hard to train the Fumanch off live food i think i will have to go the fuzzy dwarf. although i haven't asked the supplyer if they have been trained off already, so it may pay to cheak that. but as long...
  10. aidos

    Feeding Lion Fish

  11. aidos

    Lion fish in reef tank

  12. aidos

    Lion fish in reef tank

    i'm getting a 64 gallon tank, so at the mo, im just trying to plan the type of set up that i would like and get a good range of fish together that will get along. so far these are the fish im thinkin of goin with 1x Fumanch lion fish 3-4x lyretail anthias 2x tomato clowns 1x Red Head Solon...
  13. aidos

    Feeding Lion Fish

    why is it so bad to feed lion fish, live freshwater fish?? and even when your lion is eating frozen food is it a good idea to once a week/fortnight/month, buy some live saltwater fish for him to have a go at??
  14. aidos

    Lion fish in reef tank

    any good ideas of other fish that would suit the type of set up that i am trying to create???
  15. aidos

    Lion fish in reef tank

    why no blue tang!! should be large enough to not be eaten
  16. aidos

    Explain where your user name originated

    real names Aidan, blokes at work call me Aidos
  17. aidos

    Lion fish in reef tank

  18. aidos

    Lion fish in reef tank

  19. aidos

    Lion fish in reef tank

  20. aidos

    Lion fish in reef tank
