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  1. shel

    You'll NEVER Believe What I saw Today!

    Jim You made me feel a little better. I always to take home everybody, just so they will be happier. Thank you for your in-put Shel :D
  2. shel

    LawnMower Bleemie

    Does any one else have problem'w with keeping a lawnmower Blemmie? I am on my 3 one, and going to give up on having them. The first one died after the tank got a case of ick. Everyone recovered great. He just never seemed the same after that. He looked ruff for about a week then died. That...
  3. shel

    need your advive

    Hi Angie, My personal favorite is TheConscientios Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner. Very easy reading Shel
  4. shel

    Hermit Crabs

    My hermit crabs will stay in one spot for a couple of days. The rest hide in the lr, they come out at night. When they do their molting they will not move at least a week. Hope this makes you fell better. Shel
  5. shel

    Moving Advice Please

    Liongirl, I moved my 125 about 50 miles. I put the fish in a cooler with some lr. (I live in Arizona and it was around 100 when we moved the fish. My concern was keeping the fish cool enough.) I put all the lr in my mixing container and cooler's. (150lb of lr) Added water to it. The live...
  6. shel


    Never heard of it, but will keep it in mind. Shel
  7. shel


    Just looking I have a lawnmower blemmie and 2 tang's. One Ocean Tang, the other is a Naso. I would never feed them any lettuce. Romane or whatever. I beleive that they would not be eating lettuce in the ocean, so why feed it to them at all. I have used the dried seaweed from the lfs. Just...
  8. shel

    Avg tank temp 84..too high???

    Good question Sea Pig. I have 125g and live in Arizona. My temp is usually at 79.8 / 79.9. I am happy at that temp. Well this week we are at 100 outside. My tank has been hanging out at 83.7 to 84.0. I was a little worried. If it gets any higher then I guess it will be time to do the...
  9. shel

    need good sand sifting fish

    Hi Bob, I beleive he is reef safe. I am finally starting to had corals to my 125 and he could careless about them. Only his feather duster is his concern. My lfs told me he should be fine with a reef set up. I beleive he will get 6 inch tops. At least that is what my book says. Mine...
  10. shel

    manderin goby

    I guess I have a male. He sticks his up checking out the glass. He thinks he is the poop. LOL Shel :D
  11. shel

    Question for the Gurus

    I don't know anything about raising the fry, but I wanted to say congrads. Your fish must really be happy if they are doing that. I would love to have witnessed that. I know this nothing to do with salt water, but I have a fresh water tank also, I came home late one nite and my rubber Eel had...
  12. shel

    Ever feel like you've had enough?

    Hey Rick, Don't give up. When I lost my lion fish to the powerhead, I thought what the hell am I doing? Trying to salt. I buy this little lionfish, that was probally in the ocean 2 weeks before. Then I get my inexpiernced hands on it. 2 days later it gets sucked into the powerhead. I felt...
  13. shel

    manderin goby

    My manderine is eating fine. I see him hunting in the ls at night. During the day he is always hunting on the lr. He does eat brime shrimp, I agree he is slow at it. I but it right in front of him so he has a chance to get a few pieces. I was scrared at first. Everyone was telling me how...
  14. shel

    manderin goby

    Hey Jaru, i have a Manderine also, and I noticed after the lights go out he is a strange color. I checked the next nite and he is fat and happy. I figured it was something he just does. Good question. Shel I have had him for about 5 - 6 months :)
  15. shel

    need good sand sifting fish

    Yes he does cover himself completly with sand, but only in the area where he sleeps. Back corner. The rest of the time he shimmie's on the top of the ls. Just enough to stir it up and look for stuff to eat. Sometimes when he is just waking up you will see sticking half out of the sand looking...
  16. shel

    little white wormey things

    I have those wormy things in my 125. I do not know what they are, but I have done nothing about them and the tannk is doing fine. Mine come out night when the lights go off. Shel
  17. shel

    Brand of Salt

    Thanks all! I forget to mention that I use Instant Ocean, from all the post it sounds like I should stay with it. Like I said I never had a problem with it. I guess I just need to find a store that carries the buckets instead of the bags. I was really thinking Morten's was the way to go. LOL...
  18. shel

    Brand of Salt

    Hey Everyone, I am wondering what brand of salt everyone useing? Also, can you switch brands just like that. I have really good luck with what I am using, but I can only buy it in 15-20 lb bags. The lfs sells a diffrent brand in a 5 gallon bucket fo $50.00. I would like it in a bucket...
  19. shel

    need good sand sifting fish

    I have a dragon wrass that does a wonderful job. He sleeps in the ls, when he is up he is constantly doing shimming in the sand. My ls always looks really nice :) Shel
  20. shel

    what do you test, and how often...

    I am like Salt M and Goofieones. I test water about every saturday. I take it the lfs and they test everything for me. I have a really good lfs. I have been doing water changes every 2 weeks. Lately I have been doing 2 water changes a week. My phosphate and nitrites were high. Thank god...