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  1. srfisher17

    My 125 gallon FOWLR

    Pretty tank! A Packer logo would be a big improvement, however! I'd expect the trigger & puffer to be eating the hermits (and other inverts) soon. What has the baby puffer been offered? Usually, they'll eat anything. They love fresh seafood pieces; squid, shrimp, etc.
  2. srfisher17

    Salt water issue

    Me either; or the fact that it was newly mixed---I don't think that cause such a serious problem.
  3. srfisher17

    Quarantine Tank

    You're in New Orleans, everyone sells shrimp...a dead, uncooked crayfish will work too. (I moved from the MS Coast after Katrina and really miss crayfish boils!) I'll wait for the small fish experts to chime in on the fish. Just be sure the clowns are the same species and introduce them together...
  4. srfisher17

    Quarantine Tank

    Water changes and you can use something like Ammo-Lock to neutralize ammonia. If the sponge has been allowed to culture bacteria, it should. always work well. You can always test the sponge in the DT with a dead fresh shrimp. Allow the ammonia to rise a bit, put the sponge from the DT into the...
  5. srfisher17

    Temperature issue for Biocube 14g.

    Yeah, just a small decrease in watts can really change a 14gal tank.
  6. srfisher17

    Alternative energy from the Aquarium

    Regardless of the source, all of us better come up with a contingency plan. If the Green police have their way; do you think you'll be able to use chillers & MH lighting for a hobby, when you can't even use an incandescent light bulb in your bathroom? I wonder how anemones do with corkscrew bulbs?
  7. srfisher17

    Temperature issue for Biocube 14g.

    Any fan, directed over the water surface, does a good job lowering water temp a bit. IMO, 82 is nothing to sweat, however.
  8. srfisher17

    Is This Normal

    Originally Posted by fangelillo01 Ok i guess thats what i'm gonna attribute this too is that the tank is stabilizing. The yellow tail grazes on the rock too i'm assuming he's picking up leftover food cause i feed them way more than i should. I guess the yellow tail is good for something besides...
  9. srfisher17

    Quarantine Tank

    Just one more comment on the QT; as this will be the first test of cycling the QT with a seeded sponge---be sure to watch ammonia in the QT closely after you add the 1st fish.
  10. srfisher17

    Quarantine Tank

    Sounds good, but put the sponge from the DT into the QT filter at the last minute. The longer its in the DT, the more bacteria it will culture. In a bare QT, there is no ammonia to feed it. You're also right about the LR; never use it in QT. A QT set-up should never have anything that can't be...
  11. srfisher17

    Quarantine Tank

    I've always used a similar QT set up. I prefer Aqua-Clear HOB filters---just because the sponge is fairly big. If the sponge has been in the flow of an ACTIVE system; it will instantly cycle your DT. But, it sounds like your DT really hasn't cycled unless an ammonia source has been used (as...
  12. srfisher17

    Volitan Lionfish planning

    Originally Posted by ACohen2722 i have a fuzzy dwarf lion that I am movin into a 90. its moving over with a snowflake eel and I was wondering what would be suitable tankmates. I really love the lion family and would love to add another I'd suggest you start a new thread so the two similar...
  13. srfisher17

    Volitan Lionfish planning

    I know a breeder that gives me some culls once in a while; watching lions hunt live prey is amazing!
  14. srfisher17

    Volitan Lionfish planning

    I love these fish too. Avoiding nippers is great, so many folks think Volitans are aggressive; they aren't. They are just big predators that won't bother anything they can't eat. Volitans grow faster that any fish I know of; so don't stock similar size tankmates with a smaller Volitan---the Lion...
  15. srfisher17

    Hello there

    If anyone ever tells you that they know what is "normal" behavior for a fish that has been moved from his reef to your living room---be afraid, very afraid.
  16. srfisher17


    I've used Cupramine & a SeaChem copper test on many, many fish (all new fish) in QT for a long time. I'm sure something is bound to come along that works just as well; there sure have been enough products that don't work. I remember Seachem had a problem with one of their test kits 2-3 years...
  17. srfisher17

    Fish only tank

    Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo I am currently rolling the dice with a CT(very small juvi-2 in) i have had him about 3 months.He is in my 125 with a koran angel and a humu,and a pair of ocellaris clowns.I say go for it,and time will tell.As stated above QT all. Funny thing about CTs: they...
  18. srfisher17

    Fish only tank

    Any time a Clown Trigger is in the mix; there will always the potential for war. CTs can play nice, sometimes for years, then go postal and kill or maim everything in the tank. These are gorgeous, fascinating fish; but, after several "experiments' over many years, I'm convinced they belong by...
  19. srfisher17

    Hello there

    Got it, sounds good. Be sure to rinse (but DO NOT scrub) the bio-balls once in a while to remove loose gunk. Leave the slime coat; that's where your friendly bacteria live. Strange thing about this hobby/addiction: we are bacteria farmers first, then fishkeepers.
  20. srfisher17

    Carbon & Zeolite Crystals

    I think the zeolite is an ammonia remover and shouldn't be needed in a healthy tank. I believe this stuff is a FW product. IMO, cheap carbon is no better than no carbon and products like Chemi-Pure or Purigen are better alternatives.