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  1. sterling

    Free lawnmower blenny, Chicago area

  2. sterling

    Free lawnmower blenny, Chicago area

    My lawnmower is about 3 1/2 inches, and when I had the hair algae he did gobble it up, his stomach use to be huge, now there isn't anything for him to eat, I ahve tried the algae sheets, he doesn't touch them :( He is still availble, the trick will be catching him. Let me know. You can e mail...
  3. sterling

    Free lawnmower blenny, Chicago area

    My lawnmower blenny did his job and got rid of all my hair algea, but now I'm afraid that he's going to starve to death. If you have a tank with a hair algae problem and want a fish that will gorge himself on it.....I have him. Come and get him. I'd rather give him away then watch him starve...
  4. sterling


    I have an Americle Wet/Dry and a Oceanic Skimmer that I would trade.
  5. sterling

    Ok, so who has the biggest...........

    Beautiful corals!! I have a colt that was huge at one time, but after the "hair algae" episode with all the chaos, part of it shrunk away.
  6. sterling

    Ok, so who has the biggest...........

    And when fully expanded this wellsp. is 10 inches. This is so much fun:joy:
  7. sterling

    Ok, so who has the biggest...........

    CORALS!!!! You filthy minded people This is my leather which I've had for about 2 years, I measured it today and it's almost 15 inches across.
  8. sterling

    So you think that you have an algea problem

    Absolutely, but you've got to really get at it. Pull out all the rock and scrub. i scrubbed under warm water, tried to do only the areas with algae but........ You're going to end up losing livestock (corals mainly) and you're going to have to throw out some rock to make it easier to clean...
  9. sterling

    Show me your Anemones (and Clowns)

    Fluffy in her home :D
  10. sterling

    So you think that you have an algea problem

    I changed my lighting. And took out all the rock and scrubbed it, and kept doing that piece by piece as the hair algae would pop up again. Scraped the sides of tank about every other day. Stocked it with many mexican turbo's, one lawnmower blenny (and I DO credit him with alot because he tummy...
  11. sterling

    So you think that you have an algea problem

    My hair algae problem was just about as bad as what yours looks like. Here is my tank today.
  12. sterling

    So you think that you have an algea problem

    Ok, I'm trying to figure this out.......:notsure: GreatfullReefer, you want all that hair algae in your tank??? I just spent almost 8 months getting rid of the hair algae problem I had. I could have sent you some :thinking: if you wanted some. Your corals are beautiful, however.
  13. sterling

    hair algae

    How much of this LR did you buy?? What you should do is get a toothbrush and scrub the hair algae off under hot water. Yes, you'll kill other stuff on the rock that the hot water hits, but trust me on this one, you DO NOT want to introduce hair algae into your tank. You're hearing this from...
  14. sterling

    Hair algae conquered

    P.S. I should have taken pictures of the tank at it's worse, because it was bad. I had it growing all over the place, it was so disheartening. But hang in there, it can be beaten.
  15. sterling

    Hair algae conquered

    I did get a lawnmower blenny, and though I never actually saw him eating the hair algae, he sure did have a pot belly on him all the time :) I think I would credit him with some of it. I also got 4 Royal urchins and about 10 Turbo's, they really go to work on it all. Good luck. You can scrub...
  16. sterling

    Hair algae conquered

    Phoenix, you need to get on top of it now! You'll probably end up losing the rock that the xenias are on if you really want to keep it from spreading. I ended up throwing out about 50 lbs of rock. It made it easier to remove the remaining rock pieces for scrubbing also. I lost several corals...
  17. sterling

    Hair algae conquered

    RyeBread, he's adorable Here's my 8 month old portuguese water dog puppy "Monty", whose show name is "Bayswaters Land Shark". This was at the International Kennel Club of Chicago show a couple of weeks ago, the Portuguese Water Dog Club of Chicagoland had a specialty and he won the...
  18. sterling

    Hair algae conquered

    The flame angel had nothing to do with removal of the hair algae. He wouldn't touch it. My tangs wouldn't touch it either. It was alot of hard work and changing the lighting and water changes and more hard work. It took months to get rid of it. it still pops up once in awhile, but when it...
  19. sterling

    Hair algae conquered

    tonga shrooms
  20. sterling

    Hair algae conquered

    part of the tank