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  1. reefboys

    Starfish Feeding???

    Haha you don't need to tell me that one twice. I know it all too well. I work at the LFS where I'm in charge of salt and I always get people that are asking to give me their fish for store credit cuz they thought the pretty little baby Queen Angel could go in a 29 gallon... LOL I feel kinda...
  2. reefboys

    My 175 reef pics

    You've got a great combination of fish in there. I love that Harlequin!
  3. reefboys

    Starfish Feeding???

    I wish I could... My camera takes terrible pictures of my tank and makes it impossible to distinguish what you are seeing. My star has got to be in the same family as the Chocolate Chip. It has way too many similarities. The only real difference is that it has some red running down its feet...
  4. reefboys

    Starfish Feeding???

    Well he's not either of those starfish lol. He was sold as a Red Knobby Starfish from the LFS that I work at. It looks alot like a big Chocolate Chip Star but has a lot of red along his feet. Can I just set a piece of krill on the bottom and place him on top of it? How often?
  5. reefboys

    New Racoon Butterfly

    I would assume she'll eat both. It just might take a little bit of time. I don't think you need to be worrying too much yet.
  6. reefboys

    Pic of new LR

    I love your Highhat!
  7. reefboys

    ^UP^ dates!!! thread

    Wow thats a really unique aquascape. I like it!!
  8. reefboys

    My changing Emporer

    Wow beautiful lookin Emperor. I hope to be gettin one here pretty soon...
  9. reefboys

    Our 150 in progress

    I love that Desarjini Sailfin... Looks great!!!
  10. reefboys

    90 Gallon devided

    Whatever it is, its an awesome coral.
  11. reefboys

    some top down shots

    Everythings looking great!
  12. reefboys

    North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher

    Looks like a great place. I love all the Angels.
  13. reefboys

    my 90 and sons 20

    Looks great, keep it up!!
  14. reefboys

    Starfish Feeding???

    What's the best way for me to feed my Red Knobby Star? Thanks
  15. reefboys

    Problem with sand movement from powerhead! Also another question about wavemakers.

    Originally Posted by Cannonman two seio 2600's or 1500's with the seio control- freak'n awesome water movement, wide dispersal pattern, no single small strong stream like the maxi's. I have two 1500's in an sps 75 gal tank with arund 50x over all flow and I would never want to use anything else...
  16. reefboys

    210 Gallon Stock List Sanity Check

    Anybody else???
  17. reefboys

    New Racoon Butterfly

    She's a butterfly so this is pretty normal. Give it some time and if it continues to not eat add some garlic to the food to entice her to eat.
  18. reefboys

    210 Gallon Stock List Sanity Check

    I meant to put Harlelquin TUsk on that list... I love those things. And yeah BLack Tangs are pretty wicked but I cant afford one right now THanks!
  19. reefboys

    Scribbled Rabbitfish

    He pretty much stole the words right outta my mouth... Not really a downside to this fish at all. Good luck!
  20. reefboys

    lets talk about schooling damsels and chromiss

    They'll do just as well as normal as long as they have enough in their school so they feel strong in numbers. You might lose one occasionally... but at 4 bucks a pop thats not the end of the world...