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  1. reefboys


    So to answer your question, yes, I think it would be fine to put the Goby and Wrasse in at the same time. Wait 2 weeks and then add your Gramma. I doubt you'll have any problems with that.
  2. reefboys


    As long as you have good filtration running I think you're fine with adding 2 small fish at the same time. Out of those three, the Royal Gramma is probably the most aggressive so you might consider adding him last and giving the others time to stake out some territory. On the other hand, the 6...
  3. reefboys


    Yeah thats a perfect list for a 29 gallon. I think you'll be quite happy with your choices. Good luck!
  4. reefboys


    All 6 Lines that I've ever dealt with have been very peaceful fish. It is a wrasse so it could nip at somethin once in a while but I highly doubt they'd do any serious harm.
  5. reefboys


    While the Coral Beauty is a wonderful fish, she really does love to have room to swim. The LFS is offering you a pretty decent deal so as long as you believe the 6 line and the gramma are healthy I would go ahead and do the trade. If you keep the Beauty you'll have to get rid of her eventually...
  6. reefboys

    Blue Green Reef Chromis

    I gotta agree with the damsel idea. Damsels are the fish from hell. Plain and simple. Good luck!!!
  7. reefboys

    Sea Hare

    Yes I have a strong suspicion that your Butterfly would view it as a nice gourmet meal. My Coral Beauty nips at mine once in a while so I'd be pretty worried about a Butterfly. They're cheap though so it might be worth a shot.
  8. reefboys

    Black Hole?

    Wow never heard of such a thing. Its got nothing to do with the Hare i'm sure. Lemme know if you figure it out!
  9. reefboys

    Sea Hare

    Sea Hares are the best hair algae eaters you can buy. Basically they'll eat it nonstop until there's none left in your tank. At this point you need to find some other way to get him algae or give it to buddy with some hair algae. If they have no algae to eat, they will eventually starve to...
  10. reefboys

    canary goby

    Use some Garlic Extreme by Kent. Works every time!!! We use it at the LFS that I work at to get finicky eaters to eat and it hasn't failed me yet. Good luck! MATT
  11. reefboys

    Stocking my 210?

    Hey guys, I'd like some suggestions on stockin my 210. Here's whats living in there already: -Sohal Tang -Coral Beauty Angel -2 Diamond Gobys -3 Bar Gobys -2 Ocellaris Clowns -Sea Hare Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks, MATT
  12. reefboys

    New Photo Contest!!!!!!!!!!!

    Anytime now... lol
  13. reefboys


    Hey guys I need to upgrade my lights on my 210 gallon. I've heard real good things about T5's but don't know much about them. The tank is 72 inches long and I'm on somewhat of a tight budget. Any thoughts on the matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, MATT
  14. reefboys

    Potters Angel

    I work at my lfs and the potters we get usually do well for about a month or so before crappin out on us. This is probably due to the size of the tanks and the amount of stress from people always walkin by and staring at them. The people that bought them have told me that they are doing well...
  15. reefboys

    is this a deal or a rip off?

    Yes thats not a bad price at all.
  16. reefboys

    Hair Algae Problem

    Haha no problem. Thanks for the offer.
  17. reefboys

    Hair Algae Problem

    Unfortuneately I'm in North Dakota lol. Thanks for the offer though, I appreciate it. I know the fish shop that I work at can order some so I'll just order some in with the next shipment. Thanks for the tip. MATT
  18. reefboys

    Hair Algae Problem

    I know there have been a lot of threads on this topic and I could really use some help. I've got a pretty large amount of hair algae taking over my 210 gallon reef. Its all over the sand and rock. I've tried phosphate removers and they didn't work so hot. I've heard more water flow would...
  19. reefboys

    Anyone in North Dakota?

    Hey, you gave me a call at work today. That was a cool surprise. From now on you can reach me at 701 361 5055. If I have some money after Christmas I would definately love to jump in on your *********** order. Thanks, MATT
  20. reefboys

    highschooler's thread!!

    Hey guys remember I told you I work at a store and manage the section? Well my boss finally broke down and decided to have a 400 gallon tank built. We got it a while back and its finally up and runnin now with a 125 gallon refugium underneath. Right now it has 2 diamond gobies, a blue sided...