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  1. v-lioness

    radiata lionfish info

    They require pristine water conditions at all times, they are not as forgiving as a Volitan or Fuzzy dwarf, because of this they do not ship as well either, if you get it from your LFS, have them hold it for 7 - 10 days before bringing it home. This is also a good time to try and train your lion...
  2. v-lioness

    radiata lionfish info

    The banner should be OK, because of the body shape and size, the angel will be risky, they stay small and if you are looking at adult sizes could easily be eaten, a Lion can eat 1/2 its body size. Kaye
  3. v-lioness

    radiata lionfish info

    The Radiated Lion will get around 9-10 inches, but will take some time to get that size, they require around 65g, the larger the tank the better. They are one of the more difficult lions to keep, I would say yes to the 4ft tank, butterfly and "flame or coralbeauty" but make sure they are...
  4. v-lioness

    In need of Advice!!

    If the tank is 25g, it is already over crowded, your best bet would be to take the eel, volitan, trigger and wrasse to your LFS for credit. Post the Length x Width x Height of your tank, start over with a new fish list that will suit your tank, especially if you would like a reef tank. The Lion...
  5. v-lioness

    Dwarf fuzzy lionfish blind??

    Give your lion time to settle in, if you are feeding ghost shrimp, make sure you feed them something nutritional (Pellets, flakes, cyclopezee, meaty foods and so on....) before feeding them to your lion. If you do not have a feeder stick, you can pick one up from your LFS, try small krill...
  6. v-lioness

    Lionfish Question

    Quarantine, just about anything you use to treat will kill off the beneficial bacteria. Kaye
  7. v-lioness

    Lionfish Question

    First he had some blotchy fading parts on his body, just looked like a patch of skin turning a little white. It seemed to clear up after a while but it came back about a week ago, its starting to look better now but I just wanted some ideas what it could be. It sounds like your lion may have...
  8. v-lioness

    havent seen my juvi clown trig for about 48 hrs

    Pick up a guard for your Power-head, it will help protect your fish against these types of mishaps. Juvenile clown triggers can be tough to keep, feed a variety of foods 2 - 3 times a day. If you have a pretty good clean up crew and the trigger was small, than they may have taken care of it for...
  9. v-lioness

    Baby filefish

    Filefish need food, I would feed 2-3 small meals per day, they eat a variety of meaty foods along with greens, you can feed Nori daily. I would guess a Planehead Filefish/Green Filefish/ Stephanolepis Hispidus, family Monacanthidae. Love the Filefish family Kaye
  10. v-lioness

    lion fish is a pig!!!!!!!!!

    You can feed him two or three times per day, but make it tiny meals. This is what I would do, feed your lion a few meals throughout the day on feeding day, but not feed again for the next 2 days or so. This way you are not overfeeding and your lion is getting enough food. Two of mine will grab...
  11. v-lioness

    Lionfish Question

    Hello, Sorry was out of town, seen the 1.6 million gallon shark tank in Vegas, it was Great. None of my lions do this, if your lion is young and coughing up food than it may be OK. If your lion is older and doing it, and fed an improper diet or a staple diet of one food, it may be developing a...
  12. v-lioness

    3rd day with porcupine puffer, still not eating!

    Sorry to hear about Bob, you did everything you could to help him, good luck with the Ich, that is just a pain to deal with. Kaye
  13. v-lioness

    3rd day with porcupine puffer, still not eating!

    If your fish is active with lights out than try feeding when the lights are out, you can try chunks of scallops, raw shrimp, maybe a crab leg clipped in a nori clip and try greens such as nori. It will settle in eventually, just take baby steps with it. Was it eating at the LFS? Kaye
  14. v-lioness

    what to feed a new tiny lionfish ?

    Did your lion eat yet? Kaye
  15. v-lioness

    Bitten by my lion

    Well at least it's on frozen :hilarious Pick up a feeder stick to feed the lion with, it will help avoid accidental stings, they Hurt. Kaye
  16. v-lioness


    The SFE is about the only one I would recommend with a lion, lions like to perch and this makes them an easy target for eels, in the wild eels prey on lions, well you know..... Kaye
  17. v-lioness

    what to feed a new tiny lionfish ?

    Try frozen sand eels, they are usually much smaller than silversides, chunks of raw shrimp, scallop pieces, frozen mysis and so on...... With a lion that small I would feed daily right now, as the lion matures than you can change the diet and feed every other day, as an adult feed every 2-3...
  18. v-lioness


    For a Radiata about 75g tank. Kaye
  19. v-lioness

    have you heard of this fish???

    MAVIS1032 - They can turn but does not mean they will turn......... If you were to add another female chances are greater that one would turn, but again does not mean it will. I have had her for quite a few years now and she is still a female..... lol Kaye
  20. v-lioness

    Sixline Soapfish tankmates?

    Well depending on what size tank you have, a fish that will not harass or stress the soapfish, yet large enough not to get eaten. They have a large mouth and can fit quite a bit in there. They can also release a toxic slime, I would run carbon 24/7 with his fish. What size tank? Kaye