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  1. jester

    Help me save Cookie the clown

    I brought all my fish to my lfs to babbysit them for a week while I moved. I stopped in to check them out and found my clown (Clarkii) swimming sideways at top. I brought them all home, and even picked up a korean angel. (I have ALWAYS had good luck from this lfs). Well it's been a few days...
  2. jester

    45 high, iron stand, 50/50 light

    It's 30"long, 12" deep, 18" high. Give or take a little. It has a small chip in the upper corner near the top, but it's been there for 4 years and never leaked. Tank is probroly 10 years old, but been used last 6 for saltwater. 50/50 (20 watt) light is less than a month old. Stand is black...
  3. jester

    Need a little more Southdown..(who doesn't right)

    I need 1 more bag (50#) of Southdown. Anybody got a stockpile? Be more than happy to cover expense.....
  4. jester

    All glass pre-drilled overflows

    Hey Sweet, Are you using the All glass overflow kit, or make one yourself?
  5. jester

    Will these work?

    What do people usually use?
  6. jester

    Lighting for anenome

    I had the same thing. He lived until he met MR power head inlet. Live and learn. It will survive, but not thrive.
  7. jester

    AAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHH why does this happen......

    Is it an overflow box? What kind? Can you hook up a air [hr] (valve) to the top of the tupe the attach air tubbing to a power head? The power head will suck the air out and disperse it in your tank while maintaining suction for the overflow.
  8. jester

    Why use a calcium reactor, and kalkwasser?

    What are the benifits of these?
  9. jester

    AAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHH why does this happen......

    How is it loosing syphon? air bubbles getting sucked up?
  10. jester

    Will these work?

    20 watt 50/50 light for 10 ga refugium?
  11. jester

    All glass pre-drilled overflows

    Thanks Ed.
  12. jester

    Refugium Questions

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a> They have them. Anybody want to answer my ? about the lights in a refugium? If a 20 50/50 is good or not?
  13. jester

    200 gallon tank stand lights..ect

    Time to chime in. Is the correct town Stow? It's 7 hours from me. And I'm interested. email me list of all included parts. I might be able to trade it with my lfs
  14. jester

    Refugium Questions

    What kind of lights are needed for the refugium? Will a 20 watt 50/50 bulb be ok for a 10ga refugium?
  15. jester

    All glass pre-drilled overflows

    So A mag 7 would be a good choice. Unless I have a lot of bends, then the mag 9. It is pretty much be a straight drop into sump, but may wander a little to refugium or something on the way back.
  16. jester

    southdown play sand
  17. jester

    Bio Wheel filter

    Shop online for your equipment. I've seen the emporor 400 for $44, and the seaclone for about $70. Most LFS will charge $90 to 120 each.
  18. jester

    45 high, iron stand, 50/50 light

    Shipping is now an option. lol
  19. jester

    Bio Wheel filter

    That's a great beginner setup. Emporer 400 for the bio wet dry. It works awesome and is silent. The Seaclone is also ok. It's not the best, but it is silent, dependable and works. If you want to keep an annome, make sure you get antic and daylight bulbs. This is a good start.
  20. jester

    All glass pre-drilled overflows

    that's 1 each of 1 inch out and 3/4 inch return. what will my gph out be?