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  1. jester

    need help on calcium reactor connection!

    Make the inlet bigger.
  2. jester


    Water change.
  3. jester

    Homemade Tanks????

    You will definatly need cement. Glass or acrylic? Acrylic is much easier to work with. as for the trim, it is just that trim work. I would brace it just to be safe.
  4. jester

    what does retrofit mean?

    Retrofit kits are for lights. most cheap light canapoy's have 1,2 or 4 regular floresent lights (like 20, 30,or 40 watts each) retro kits have metal halaids, power compacts, vho and a nice reflector in them. it is as light kit that fits in an existing hood.
  5. jester

    Weening a Lion, 3 weeks and counting.

    Anybody else??
  6. jester

    Weening a Lion, 3 weeks and counting.

    Hell eat live in a sec. He's not fasting, just not eating dead. Yes, some of the krill still have eyes. He will stike it, but spit it out as soon as he figures out it;'s not lie.
  7. jester

    Weening a Lion, 3 weeks and counting.

    Define "rosey reds"
  8. jester

    Weening a Lion, 3 weeks and counting.

    I have been starving my young Lion for aa little over 3 weeks now. He still wont take dead food. I have attempted the following: Krill: from tongs on a clear stick on a string from my fingers squid: on a string Cant seem to find silver sides anyware. been to 7 pets shops in the area. HELP.
  9. jester


  10. jester

    Does anyone use tap water

    Never had a problem with it. I don't keep coral though.
  11. jester

    Cleaner shirmp has a black mark.

    I have the same. Hope someone knows
  12. jester

    feeding lionfish

    Been 22 days since mine has eaten. He will now strike the krill, but then spit it out and sit on the bottom and pout. for a while. I'm using sewing thread tied around the tail of the shrimp and moving it in a life-like mannor. (Fishing in my own tank) He is skinny, but I'm sure he will eat...
  13. jester

    Can't keep inverts alive

    take another salinity measurement with a different meter. Inverts usually can't tollorate anything lower than .021. It could be that your getting a little higher reading than actuall. Also, re-check your PH level. Inverts are super sensitive to minor PH fluctuations. I lost a $30 fire shrimp...
  14. jester


    My best friend is going through something similar, only difference is just not so extreem. no abuse charges have been filed. I'm sorry to hear about it.
  15. jester

    Boo on pets warehouse!

    Maybe companies should focus more on customer service to increase buisness rather than aquire ad space in a negitive fassion. I don't agree with the hacking of the order server. Yes it is easy, no it should not be done. For that he should be punished, or maybee rewarded for finding a security...
  16. jester

    building new tank 30 gallon looking 4 wet dry for this. looking for recomendtions

    I have an emporer 400. Love it. Silent, simple and extreemly effective. :)
  17. jester

    How to clean Seaclone?

    Metal coat hanger with a wash cloth wrapped around the end.
  18. jester

    Off Topic: What is Your Computer Choice

    Actually CDW has the best service and support. The prices are better. check it out.
  19. jester

    Southdown sand in Milwaukee, WI

    I believe they are now out of buisness and have a new name. Im not sure what it is though