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  1. jester

    Light plans for a 155

    I thought the ICECAP's were for vho, no, &pc's. Can I use them for the MH's?
  2. jester

    Light plans for a 155

    What is the difference between magnetic and electronic ballests? What should I use?
  3. jester

    Light plans for a 155

    Ok heres the plan. 2 MH 175 10k 1 MH 400 10k 2 vho 160 antentic. Is this going to be enough for a 155 bow reef?
  4. jester

    Glass Tank Prices

    <a href="" target="_blank"></a> 155 bow front with 2 overflows for around 800.
  5. jester


    bump :)
  6. jester


    It's not so much as a specific ?, It's more like the new insight manager 7 product. It is really vendor specific. I have taken many certifications, but this by far the hardest. I was able to complete my MCSE 2k in less than 2 months without cheeting and this is 10 times more knowledge that is...
  7. jester

    Lesson Learned

    After adding washed sand (Southdown)to my tank 3 weeks ago, my clown still keeps the water cloudy. It is sdlowly getting better. hopefully in a month or two it will be clear again.
  8. jester


    Has anybody take the Compaq ASE exams? I'm on the last test (010-695)and i'm having trouble finding information
  9. jester

    Help weening a lion

    The fire shrimp goes on the offensive and attack the lion if he gets to close. The cleaner, well, he just sits under plant leaves. I put the lion in last, so I'm hoping for the best, you know? Like I said I've gone a week witout feeding him and he does'nt event think the shrimp are for him (YET).
  10. jester

    Help weening a lion

    i cant try live shrimp. I have a cleaner and a fire in the same tank. they do alright, and have held thier own aganist the lion. I don't want him to think live shrimp are food.
  11. jester

    Help weening a lion

    I've been trying to ween a Volitan from live to dead. He just has no interest. I have tried not feeding him for a week, enticing him, and the fish on a stick routine. The best he has done is strike the krill, but then spit it out and leave it be. he won't even go near krill now. Any ideas?
  12. jester


    I'm going to have to agree with lettheirberock, What wrong with a good old fashined stoneing? Cart her around to all 50 states for the next 10 years so the public can serve punishment. after that put her in front of a firing squad and be done with it.
  13. jester

    hypo/new fish arrival, help

    Looks like I was wrong. Never knew that inverts could carry any part of the parasite. Sorry to mislead you.
  14. jester

    Skimmer explanation

    My skimmer is silent
  15. jester

    hypo/new fish arrival, help

    I would put him in the qt tank with the inverts. Inverts can not host ICH. You should know if he has ICH by the time you are done with Hypo since you have 3 more weeks to go on your main tank. If he shows sigs, do hypo on him with you inverts back in your main tank. If not, go ahead and...
  16. jester

    Skimmer explanation

    I'll give it a shot. A skimmer is used for removing nevitivly charged protiens that come from nitrates. By creating micro bubbles, which are charged positive, the negitive proties are attracted to the bubble. The bubbles rise into a collection cup and get tossed out. This helps maintain...
  17. jester

    skimmers battle?

    Love my Seaclone. Silent and works good.
  18. jester

    How many people have had an ICH outbreak?

    In some 5 years, I never had. It seem's common, and I was just wondering how lucky I am (so far).
  19. jester

    oh no!!!!

    Listen to Terry and do Hypo. Forget med's.
  20. jester

    Hypo vs. Copper

    Be patient. Buy a refractometer. With all the money you have in your setup, what's $100? copper will also destroy the liver of fish.