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  1. jester

    Reluctant Lion plz advise

    Didnt feed him for 7 days one time to get him hungry, Then tried "fish on a stick" aproach in front of a powerhead to get movement. He ate it, 30 sec later spit it up and won't go near it now. He just want's live. I wish he would change over, I know it's healthier.
  2. jester


    Once you lose 1 fish to a powerhead intake, you will never take that chance again. I now have sponge filters on mine and accept the cleaning hassle.
  3. jester

    The number keeps going down, help!

    Large water changes will also kill inverts without warning.
  4. jester

    CLUE? WHO dunn it?

    I would say it was the horseshoe crab with the candlestick.
  5. jester

    Reluctant Lion plz advise

    I have a volitan that absoultly will not eat dead. He is young, but i tried the switch over thing with no luck. He will strike the krill, but then spit it up and search for live. this is normal
  6. jester

    Finally, I can keep fish alive!!!

    Why do you have a skimmer and a refugium? The refugium replaces the skimmer. The refugium is for copods which eat the waste that the skimmer takes out.
  7. jester


    I hate liars and thieves. This guy seems to be both. Fishy (aka C-L-O-W-N-F-I-S-H) You will never get advice from me. <img src="graemlins//dead.gif" border="0" alt="[dead]" />
  8. jester

    cycling time 15gallon

    I agree with fishub. Get a master test kit for about $30, and watch it.
  9. jester

    Milky water

    I used to have a stars and stripes puffer about 8 -9 inches long that ate a Volitan. I returned him to the lfs and he ate a frogfish also. see if you can borrow one of these puffers. lol.
  10. jester

    what about beach sand?

    Search southdown. You will find all you need to know. What, why, where to buy.
  11. jester

    Sand clouded tank

    After a week, mine is still a little hayzee. I'm leaving the filters on to get all the ultra fine particles out. Not to mention my clown stir's it up when wants to. It is important to rinse non live sand before adding!
  12. jester

    Strange Clown Behavior

    Clowns act abnormal all the time. Hence the name. Mine will mimic the other fish and play " tag" with the Tang. Very amusing. Also will do the "bucking Bronco" swim. Hilliarious. Probrobly just a new thing for them. Check circulation and O2 possibilities. Give it a little while and they...
  13. jester

    Ok next step?

    MR Salty, I think he changed his name so he could register himself, and not use his brothers name. This would make sense so there would be no confusion as to what he had or mis lead us on his other posts that might have been posted by his brother. Is this right CLOWNFISH?
  14. jester

    Need help fast, Please read!!

    Any chance someone added something to it? Did you lose the fish, or are they dead? check your power head gaurds to make sure they are still there. Do a water change and media change. also, make sure you are using black carbon in the extra media containers.
  15. jester

    Black sand for DSB

    Never heard of it but sounds cool.
  16. jester

    Why *was* Mr. Tang banned?

    I'm not too sure, but I think it was because he was soliciting.
  17. jester

    Protein Skimmers

    Im happy with my seaclone. Its silent, and does a decent job. there are a few easy mods you can do to it to make it awesome. But, it works ok out of the box.
  18. jester

    Clarkii keeps digging

    No broomer, no anemone. I was thinking of getting a bubble tip, but my lighting is insufficient. I only have the standard 20 watt floresenct and don't want to spend the couple hundred on lights for this tank.
  19. jester

    Clarkii keeps digging

    Ill try that. But the clown does a "brake torque". He will back up, use his tail to stir up alot of sand and use his front fins to keep himself from propelling forward. My sand bed was about5 inches allover to start, now it varries from 1 inch to 9 deep in places.
  20. jester

    Clarkii keeps digging

    I just added 75 lbs of southdown in my tank. My clown will not stop digging in it. The water will never clear up. When it's just about clear, he kicks up a big ol dust cloud. It's really starting to irritate me. What can I do to stop this so I can enjoy my tank?