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  1. jester


    Well HD called ad said my sand was in tonight. When I got there, 4 of the six bags were torn and open. They gladly gave me the two good ones, and sent the 4 open back to MN where they came from. I only need 2 for this tank anyway. I put it in and WOW, what a cool looking tank I have now...
  2. jester

    seaclone skimmer

    Just the rock for a filter. Maybee this is a problem. In a FO tank I have fount it to greatly help to have carbon filtration also. Carbon is supurb at removing chemicals. Even if you don't add any treatment stuff, there can still be some from the water. Are you using tap water? I do and...
  3. jester

    seaclone skimmer

    Strange. What elese is in the tank? Filter, rock fish?
  4. jester

    emperor 400B (filter)

    I have had a 400 for a year now. It's almost silent, easy to maintain, and I have always had perfect water. I attribute most of my sucess to this filter setup. ;)
  5. jester

    I'M SCARED!!!

    Which 2 fish?
  6. jester

    seaclone skimmer

    Where you from Rapt0r32?
  7. jester

    seaclone skimmer

    This is what worked for me. Close the valve all the way. This will remove any bubbles in the skimmer. Open the valve about 1/4 turn. This will let a very small amount of air in. Walk away, come back in an hour This will let it fill a little. Check cup. Repeat step 2 & 3. After 3/4 open, let sit...
  8. jester

    metal halide grow lights

    Does anybody have a link or site for Icecap ballest's? Cant seem to find them
  9. jester

    Survey: first REAL fish

    Blue spotted ray was first. LFS sold "everything I needed" to get started. 2 stage wisper (mechanicial & chem filter) UGF heater sand heater salt Oh, I already had a 45 ga tank that was "Just the rite size". Needless to say he did'nt last a week. Everything I know is from expirence and now...
  10. jester

    Bad News
  11. jester

    seaclone skimmer

    Is it skimming? Does the cup tube turn black? Have you added water treatment chem (stress coat, conditioners, cycle stuff)?
  12. jester

    Found South Down in NH !!!!

    Congrats. ;)
  13. jester

    What to feed a lionfish???

    Because frozen fortified with vitimans are much heathlier. He will grow faster with brighter color. And there is nothing wrong with the live treat every now and then, espically when you've got company and want to sahow off!!! :D :D
  14. jester

    seaclone skimmer

    I had the same problem for a week but went away. Can you see through the main tube, or is it all cloudy with bubbles? you should be able to see the vortex.
  15. jester

    seaclone skimmer

    What kind of air bubble problems are you guys having?
  16. jester


    you can just buy a few bags. I only bought 6.
  17. jester

    Refugiums!! store bought or home made?

    Keep the sump and refugium seperate. You can section off part of your sump for a refugium. The reason is a refugium has light and water flow requirements. The refugium flow is very small compared to a sump. As for the lighting, 12 hours a day (give or take}.
  18. jester

    Ice cap ballast?????

    Put it on the Auction site here....Forget about e-bay .....keep it in the SWF family. :D
  19. jester


    Here is the SKU number for Home Depot Southdown. They do ship from store to store. My paper work say's it's comming from store 2826. SKU #578-819 I checked the HD website, but it's not there since they will not ship it to a customer.
  20. jester

    X-Terminator Mantis Trap

    I take it he is hidding in the live rock? I've read here that if you can get the rock out with him in it, you can plae the rock in super salty water (1.035)he'll come right out. I have no expirence in this though, just a memory of a previos post. Happy hunting. ;)