Well, first of all I would'nt use either of the chemicals to treat ich. The best and only sur fire way to kill ich is hyposalinity. Copper causes liver damage and fermaldihyde is use to preserve dead things. do a search on hyposality and you can get the directions.
I would just sit back and watch nature due it's thing. If they start acting abnormal (there's oxymoron if I 've ever typed one, clowns acting abnormal that is), I might qt him, but not unless I really felt he was not doing well.
There is a fresh water dolphin that is suitable for a home tank. A friend of mine has one in a 100 ga, with a small ray. I have pic's. As soon as I figure out how to post them I will.
Are you going to start with a new dsb or use existing and transfer?
Here is a trick I read about here:
Place sand in new tank
Cover with a new plastic trash bag
Fill tank about %50
Remove plastic
Add rock
Top off tank
As your filling the plastic will keep the sand undesturbed for the most part...
I made the same mistake a while ago. Only mine was a poc puffer that got sucked up. I freed him but he died 2 days later. Stress was too much fo him I guess. Sorry to hear that. I now have a cheep very porus sponge filter on it. Since then, nobody has gotten stuck. Live and learn. :(
Maybee you should stop feeding them double Whoppers with cheese and king size fries....
J/K nope, have'nt heard of this but maybee someone else has. <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />
just stop the water changes and don't add a crew yet. if you do there is a good chance you will buy them again. don't worry about the algee so much. it will just leave a feast for the crew when the time is rite.