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  1. saltn00b

    H3!! has officially frozen over at my house

    yeap, i have been up there with yellow wolf, that guy is amazing. i have heard he moved out of the area recently. not sure if thats true tho. definitely learn before you go up there, and dont learn on the dragon, it has a habbit of biting - (see the tree of shame) oh and tizzo you are awesome...
  2. saltn00b

    the thermos blind trade

    winter time is a sucky time to do this i think.
  3. saltn00b

    New Bi-color Angel!!!

    congrats on 6 years of success.
  4. saltn00b

    H3!! has officially frozen over at my house

    nice pics! here i am at Deal's Gap, NC on my 04 Gixxer 750. motorcycle nirvana. 318 turns in 11 miles. tangman, you are in florida right? check out these forums i am on : (sportbikes / regional - south florida) i am aquapython600 / aquapython on there.
  5. saltn00b

    the thermos blind trade

    i sent badboy my address and he sent me his. then he wanted to know when i was sending. i dont think he gets that i dont send the thermos until i get the frag from him. I told him that in a PM today. i would suggest that he does not send until Jan 2 if he has not sent it yet, to avoid...
  6. saltn00b

    Gold rim tang

    Acanthurus nigricans (Linnaeus 1958), the Powder Brown or Gold-Rimmed Surgeon (and Whitecheek Surgeon to science). The corrected scientific name of this species is A. nigricans (per Randall, 1988); a revision no doubt as unpopular to some as my labeling the species as "bad". The very similar A...
  7. saltn00b

    adhesive/glue for rocks??

    depending on how big you are talking about, some people have very successfully drilled out say 3/4" - 1 " holes in LR (usually at least the size of a softball ) and connected the pieces with appropriately sized PVC piping. you can make intricate arcs and bridges and the like...
  8. saltn00b

    Gold rim tang

    i believe that is more commonly referred to as a powder brown. similar to the powder blue tangs. pretty fish, and are relatively easy to keep if you the proper sized tank and quarantining practices to keep them ick free
  9. saltn00b

    Hammerhead CL

    yes i understand what you are saying but i believe you have some wrong information. first, i have a Dart, which is smaller than the Hammerhead, and it has a 2" intake. for mine, i had to have my 2 1.5" bulkheads feed into 2" piping and Tee off into 2" Tee. see post 94, page 2 on the above link...
  10. saltn00b

    Saltn00b's Multi-Phase Upgrade Diary!

    lol thanks sharkbait i have been adding the feet / top supports these last weeks. i need to use the 2 clamps that i have so i can only do one at a time. pics coming soon - wishing everyone a nice holiday :)
  11. saltn00b

    Actnic T-8 or T-12?

    the number only has to do with the size, as in diameter of the bulb. most T-12 are VHO, which used to be an accepted type of bulb in the trade , usually used for actinic supplementation for MHs, but they are getting tougher and tougher to come across. they are pretty weak. and they dont come...
  12. saltn00b

    CBS in sump

    pods wil be fine in a fuge with a CBS.
  13. saltn00b

    Hammerhead CL

    hey here is what i did , see if it helps... i did something similar with sequence dart. i would do 6- 8 , you will get a big push from your pump. you have two overflows, are they being used for a sump right now? if...
  14. saltn00b

    What Are These???

    wow id never go back to that LFS... and id tell anyone walking in there to leave as well. i would not add any nudibranch to the system unless you know how to properly care for them. most , if not all nudibranchs are VERY specialized and eat only very specific food items that we as hobbyists can...
  15. saltn00b

    Test your MMA skills against some kindergardeners

    29 five year old kids i think i got -1 cause im avg height and have avg reach... :(
  16. saltn00b

    H3!! has officially frozen over at my house

    agreed about the bike fitting the rider and preference. nice triumph, my buddy has the new 675 and loves them... tangman, dont forget to post them pics! of her on it with a big grin , too...
  17. saltn00b

    Actnic T-8 or T-12?

    honestly you are just spinning your wheels. the "supplemental" light you are adding is so weak and the wrong spectrum most likely it will do nothing but give your tank a strange look. you are not even "boosting" your existing lights in any effective manner IMO.
  18. saltn00b

    Actnic T-8 or T-12?

    15g? how long? they dont even make t-12 shorter than 4 - 5 feet. not sure about t-8 either. if you want to be able to hold a lot of corals, switch out to T-5 IMO. worlds better.
  19. saltn00b

    Actnic T-8 or T-12?

    neither.. regular floursecent is basically providing you no useable light. minimal Lumens / PAR , and bulbs not made for the industry will be in the wrong Kelvin range most likely. I used to have VHO T-12s which are weak at best. and thats VHO - very high output, not NO (normal output). you...
  20. saltn00b

    H3!! has officially frozen over at my house

    grats on the new purchase! oh yea and ZUKES FTW!!!